After I calmed myself down I sat on the sleeping bag and put my head on my knees. There was nothing I could do. I was in there for hours and hours. He left me in here, for what seemed like days, months even. I can't believe he left me here, me? I even thought he seemed ok when I first got here. He's mean and cruel. And I don't like it. The door opens and he walks in. I didn't even raise my head up to look at him, I was over it. I was over everything, being here, men, living, He seemed so nice and caring but he reeled me in and let me suffocate like a fish in air. He sat down next to me. I don't say anything. "Come hea" he said. I ignored him. He pulled him to him and I said "Don't touch me, leave me alone." He didn't listen. There I was being held by him. I didn't care anymore. I was done fighting. "You've been in hea for about 12 hours, you can stay in hea for more, yo choice shorty." I didn't say anything I just looked up at him and looked away. I took a deep breath, a long sigh. I was tired. "I've never liked anyone as much as I like you Lani. I'll never hurt you shorty just understand whea I'm coming from." He said. "Why did you leave me in here if you like me? You don't like me, you're just board and want something to do" I replied. He ignored my question. I tried to move out of his hold but he didn't let me. "Can you please let me go." I asked nicely. "No, we gone talk" he replied. "About what? What exactly is there to talk about? Maybe that you're a psychopath who kidnapped a random girl you met at a store. Holds her captive, dam near kills her by almost crushing her wind pipe. Forces her to do what ever you say, and wants to so called "fix" her. I CANT BE FIXED." I said breathing heavy with tear in my eyes. " I been met you, not just at saks shorty." He replied. I began to flip out. Fighting to make him let go of me, I don't want that be here, I don't want to be by him listening to how he made his sick plans to get me here because I don't care. Fighting him did nothing, eventually I got tired. Slapping him in the face did nothing either. "You done?" He said. "Fuck you." I replied. "I hate you, if you were to die today I wouldn't care" I added. "I understand" he replied. "No you don't" I replied. "Watch yo mouth. All that kicking and slapping ain't gone do shit. Cause if I was to slap the fuck out of you yo ass would be saying yes and no sir around this bitch." He replied. "I'm trynna be nice but if you wanna be a bitch and act like you hard I can show you who hard. Cs it ain't you shorty." He
added. I didn't say anything, I just crossed my arms.

"Why did you bring me here" I said in a soft tone, eventually giving in. "Because you don't listen." He replied. "No not here, here. Like I'm a prisoner, I mean I get that you like me but this isn't a good way to express your feelings" I replied. "You ask a lot of questions." He replied. "You wanted to talk so I'm talking." I replied. "You hungry?" He asked. "No" I replied. "I was going to take you out to eat but I can't even trust you alone in my house, so out in public is something thats never gone happen." He replied. I didn't answer. "So you just gone starve yoself?" He added. "I don't want anything from you, I just wanna go home...but that'll never happen" I replied. He got up and walked towards the door. "You not ready to come out yet" he said before he left. This time I didn't scream. I didn't cry. I was actually relieved that he left.

Amaree's pov

I had intended to let Lani out but she wasn't ready, ion have time for her ass to be trynna run and I flip out on ha ass cs she don't listen. I mean she's right, I do have issues. But it's for a reason. I'm a street nigga who seen it all. My phone buzzed. From one of my workers. " Hey boss, we found another one of those guys trying to get in the stash" He said. "Omw" I replied. This shit really starting to annoy me, Xoni even seen me after I got done with the last lil nigga. She wasn't listening like usual and almost got fucked up but I caught myself. I changed and headed out the door to go to the warehouse. Told the guards to not let her out and that I'll be gone for a while. Once I got to the warehouse the dude who was trying to get in my stash was hanging from his arms. "Yo wake up" I said to the man who was clearly knocked out. My men had already did a good one on him. He woke frantic and scared. "Please please I'll tell you everything!" He screamed. "Then talk" I replied. "My name is Trey, I was sent by my boss Dre to see how much we could steal. I told him it was a bad idea but he still forced me to come" he said. " And yo dumbass knew this was a suicide mission and you still came? Why?" I replied. "because he forced me!" He replied. Right after that sentence I hit him in the stomach, making him cough up blood. "Watch yo tongue." I stated. "Where yo so called boss at?" I added and before he could say anything I hit him again. This time in the face. To make sure he keeps his tongue and to not tell a lie. He spitted on the ground and out came a couple teeth. I chuckled. "I can't say it he's going to kill me man." The man replied. "Yo ass already dead" I said. It took him a minute before he replied. "...He's at his office on 54th street. Three floors up" he said. I pat him on the chest saying "thanks Trey" before putting one right through his skull. His blood splattered like the rest did. "Clean this up" I told my men as I walked out the warehouse.

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