As soon as he comes in her sight, a beautiful smile appears on her face and his heart skips a beat like it always does. The endearment in her eyes and the relaxing of her shoulder was an award. He kisses his mother forehead and than hers - which causes a sweet blush to appear on her face and he couldn't help the happiness he feels.

He sits beside her holding her hand as his mother shows some more jewellery to her. She turns her head looking at him pleading to stop his mother from buying more stuff for her but he just shrug. He had tried speaking to his parents about how his wife feels about their spending. His parents had explained that his wife had lost a lot more in her life. Their money or the stuff they buy for her is no where near to everything she had lost. This was just their way of bringing value to her life.

His parents adores her. His mother cooks for her and tries to know what the favourite are so she can cook more for her. Since the wedding was approaching they had find another excuse to not let her work at all. Saying that bride shouldn't work before their wedding. They spoil her as much as they could.

They had hire a house help already for them. He knows his father loves watching over his wife whenever he could. His father was always a silent one and even in distant he can see how much his father cares for his wife. The one missing element - a very big part of it was her father. She had seen some disturbing things attached to the label of "father". She was also very hesitant whenever his father showed affection.

One, his father affection was very interesting. Two, his wife never experienced affection. They both were two opposite. His father now cooks with his mother and assist his wife all the time. He would send those two as soon as they are done cooking and dish their plates. He will also bring homemade lunch for his wife at work and sit with her until she eats it.

He spends every waking hour thankful to her for giving him a chance. Everyday he meets her at Kabir's place for breakfast - most days he cooks and bring her to the garden to eat with flowers. He always does small things like holding her hand at random times of the day knowing how much she loves it.

"What is it, Jaan?" He asked as he sits beside her in the garden

She looks at his parents house and the decoration that everyone was running around to complete.

"I was just thinking about how much I want henna on my hands but I am not comfortable with anyone to touch me".

"The touch still replence you?"

She nodded and his heart breaks. He knows how much she had tried to grow in the past months. Some days were good and some were bad. He would stand by her side and let her cry it out. Each time, his heart rips apart. He was just glad he was able to be near her.

He remembers that phone call where he had heard her crying profusely and how he wasn't able to do a thing. The heart ache he had experienced then was something he doesn't want to experience again. That's why whenever she cries he stays by her side. Comfort her and holds her.

"It's ok. I will find a way". He promised kissing her forehead

She nodded.

The next day, she was busy with the decoration of lights on the roof. Apparently, they didn't put enough lights and they need to add more. When she heard that she was ready to jump into any kind of work. She had explained to his parents that she wanted to be part of the wedding preparation as much as she could and she loved that they give her something to do everyday. Even though she believes they only give her the easiest tasks ever.

She takes the light trying to entangle the lights and opening the various knots. She spent good 15 minutes in doing so and in the end when she heard a chuckle she looks ahead.

The Prestige Club (TPC)# 2: In the Abyss (completed)Where stories live. Discover now