Judging criteria for creative category A

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I will be following this Judging criteria for creative category A (writing part)

Title (10)
How unique and relevant to the story is the title?

Cover (10)
How clean, creative and relevant to the book is the cover? Does it attract the readers?

Creativity and originality(15)
How well does the work express a unique perspective, idea, or emotion?

Quality and technique(10)
How well does the work demonstrate the skill of the creator? How does it use the elements of the medium, such as language, sound, rhythm, etc. to convey its message and effect?

Relevance and impact(10)
How well does the work connect with the intended audience and the current context?

Description (5)
Is there any description of a thing, scenery or thoughts? How visualizing is it?

Emotion and impact (10)
How does it evoke a response or a change in the reader? Could the reader feel the emotions?

Total: out of 70

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