" What brings you here? "

197 6 8

[Oh my god, an update?!!??]

"As I lifted the tiny case's lid, I caught a glimpse of a shiny object resting inside.
It was a brand new ring, glimmering under the light."

As I gazed at the small box in my hands, my heart began to race. And when I opened it, revealing a glittering new, shiny ring nestled inside, my breath caught in my throat. "You... You got me a new ring..?" I stammered, my eyes fixed on the sparkling jewel. I looked at Ban Hammer with stars in my eye(s). Tears almost swelled up.

"I did," he said eagerly, his voice brimming with excitement. "Do you like it?" he asked, seemingly unaware of just how much I adore this particular thing. It's almost funny. My heart swelled with joy and I couldn't contain my excitement. I reached out and embraced Ban Hammer, feeling the warmth of his body against mine as I held him tightly. In that moment of pure bliss, all the love I had for him overflowed and I knew I was exactly where I was meant to be.

As I embraced him, he let out a lighthearted laugh and hugged me back. He seemed happy that I liked his gift, but I couldn't help but wonder if he knew that I loved every present he got me, no matter what it was. Even if it was something I knew I would never use, I was always grateful for his thoughtfulness and the effort he put into finding something he thought I would like. It was just another one of the many things I loved about him.

I expressed my appreciation to him multiple times for the gift he gave me. It's hard for me to put into words just how grateful I am for his thoughtfulness. While he has given me many wonderful presents in the past, this one stands out as the absolute best. I want to make it clear that I'm not implying that his previous gifts were lacking in any way - they were all wonderful and I cherish them dearly. However, there's just something about this latest gift that resonates with me and makes me feel incredibly happy and appreciated.

As soon as I left him alone, I couldn't resist the urge to check on him every few seconds. I was worried that he might need something or that something might go wrong. Time seemed to pass slowly as I watched him, making sure he was comfortable and safe. However, when I finally glanced at the clock, I was surprised to see that it was already 10 pm. It felt like only a few minutes had passed since I last checked on him, but in reality, several hours had flown by.

Ban Hammer expressed concern, "It's quite late. I wonder if Soda is still awake. I can hear the television running downstairs."

I nodded in agreement and decided to check on Soda. As I made my way down the stairs, I could hear the faint sound of the television coming from the living room.

When I entered the room, I saw that the television was indeed on, but Sodapop was sound asleep on the couch. It seemed that she had dozed off while watching her favorite show, which was still playing on the screen.
After switching off the television, I gently placed Sodapop on the soft and cozy couch. I made sure to cover her with a warm blanket before she turned to her side and nestled into a comfortable position, looking serene and at ease.
As I made my way back upstairs, the wooden steps creaked under my weight, signaling my presence. I walked into my bedroom, feeling a sense of calm wash over me as I saw Ban Hammer nestled up against the pillows. He looked up at me with sleepy eyes and muttered a soft "Goodnight, Meddy." I returned his greeting with a gentle smile and wished him goodnight as well.

As I got into bed, Ban Hammer wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close to him. His embrace was warm and comforting, and I felt myself relax in his arms. We lay there in silence, listening to the sound of our breathing, until the entire house fell silent, and we both drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

[ The next day haha ]
[ 3rd Person ]

At the crack of dawn, Sodapop stirred from her slumber and was the first to rise. The clock read 7:00 AM as she made her way upstairs to rouse Medkit and Ban Hammer from their peaceful sleep.
Sodapop gently shook their dad's shoulders, using just enough force to rouse them from their slumber. The room was filled with the soft glow of morning light, and the cool breeze from the open window carried the sweet scent of blooming flowers. As their dads stirred, Sodapop offered a warm smile.

Medkit slowly rubbed his tired eye, feeling a slight itchiness in the corner. He glanced up at Sodapop, who was standing over his sleeping position. As he sat up, he stretched his arms and legs, feeling the stiffness in his muscles gradually fade. He couldn't resist running his fingers through Sodapop's soft, fluffy hair, which fell in gentle waves around her face. It was a medium-length cut, with just the right amount of volume and bounce. After a few moments of admiring her peaceful expression, he quietly got up to start his day.

In the early hours of the day, Medkit, still feeling a bit groggy, greeted Soda with a soft and sleepy voice. "Good morning, Soda," he said, as he slowly became more alert and started to wake up. Despite his drowsy state, Medkit seemed to be in good spirits and ready to start the day. He rubbed his eye again.

[ Time skip, Medkit is at work. ]

As Medkit made his way through the entrance of his office, he let out a deep sigh. The room was stark white, with a glossy finish on the walls that made it feel sterile. The only break in the monotony was a small, navy blue cushioned table tucked away in one corner. The table stood at the corner of the room, adorned with a long piece of paper that seemed to stretch across its entire length. The paper was draped over the table in a way that made it difficult to discern what it was meant for. Opposite the table, a sink with several cabinets was visible, along with a small trash can nearby.
It was a narrow room, with barely enough space to walk around the table. Despite its size, there was a sense of calm that filled the space, perhaps due to the lack of clutter and the organized placement of the few items in the room.

The hospital room that Medkit was in seemed to be constantly buzzing with activity. One after another, patients kept streaming in, without any respite. The pace was so fast that it almost made Medkit's head spin. The sheer number of people who needed attention and care was overwhelming, and Medkit was growing increasingly exhausted with every passing minute. The constant demands on his time and energy were taking a toll on him, and he longed for a moment of peace and quiet.

After a long and exhausting day of attending to the needs of numerous patients, the bustling crowd of individuals seeking urgent medical attention finally decreased. Having successfully treated everyone in need of healing, Medkit finally had some time to relax. As the silence gradually enveloped the room, Medkit took a deep breath and reached for some notes that had been lying on the desk. With a furrowed brow, Medkit began poring over the notes, carefully analyzing and jotting down important points. The peaceful ambiance of the room was only interrupted by the sound of pen scratching against paper, the occasional rustle of pages being turned, and the clock ticking.

As the clock ticked away, the doctor patiently waited for his last patient of the day. After a few minutes, the door creaked open and a figure stepped in. The doctor's eyes lifted from his notes and widened in both surprise and confusion as he saw who it was.

[1370 words]

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