30)The Mother Lily

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When Y/n got back it was already dark, so she decided against asking Zhongli at this ungodly hour. So, you waited until morning and searched the house to see he wasn't there. There was only one other place he'd have gone to that you know of.

"Hu Tao!" Y/n rushes into the Funeral Parlor, slightly out of breath. Said girl looking up with a grin, her ghost coming up behind her.

"Have you finally come to place an order~?" You let out a breathy chuckle and walk in. "Fortunately, no," you answer, and she pouts for good measures.

"Then what can I help you with?" she chirps. You look around in case he is here. "I'm actually looking for Zhongli," you say and turn your attention to her. "Do you know where he is?"

Hu Tao smirks behind her hand. "Oh-ho~ dropping the honorifics so soon~" You blush lightly and cross your arms. "Have you seen him or not?" you ask, trying to divert her attention as you fight back a smile.

"Hmm? He didn't tell you?" she muses. "Mr. Zhongli actually left on some business and won't be back for a couple of days," she tells you, catching you off guard.

"Really? He didn't tell me," you mumble. Hu Tao's ghost pats your head as she smiles. "Well, you're never in one place," she chides, and you chuckle awkwardly, unable to disagree.

Before you can say anything, a soldier rushes in, panting. "Miss. Y/n! Oh, thank Archon, I-I've found you," he gasps. Hu Tao gives you a look, and you avoid her 'I-told-you-so' gaze as he takes a deep breath and straightens. "There's been another incident not too far from here!" Your eyes flash in surprise.

Since you had come to the Harbour, there haven't been any new cases, but for one to suddenly happen when you finally have a lead...

Your brows lower as you turn to him. "Let's go."

The pair rush through the bustling streets and into an alley. Four more soldiers were there, and a woman comforting a crying girl. Your eyes narrow. Were they unable to take the child? you think.

"What happened here?" you ask, turning to one of the Millelith. "Her sister was taken just a while ago."

Your eyes widen as you turn to the girl. No one from the other cases ever even caught a glimpse of the kidnapper.

You clench your fist as your expression grows serious. I can't let this chance go! We might even have a chance to catch them.

You knelt before the little girl and took her hands. "Hey there, what's your name?" The girl sniffles and looks at you. "L-Li Hua," she stutters. You tilt your head with a smile. "Beautiful flower, how cute," you say and give her a reassuring squeeze. "Did you see the person who took your sister?" you ask softly, and she nods. "Can you tell me?"

"A-A tall lady." Your eyes widen in confusion, but don't interrupt. "She wore red and blue c-clothes and a big umbrella." You froze at the description but didn't quite believe it.

"Did she have long black hair and butterflies around her?" you whisper. The girl nods, and you suck in a breath. The woman from the dream...She's the one taking these kids.

You glance up at the woman and lean closer so only the girl can hear. "Was your mom ever mean to your sister?" you whisper. The girl tentatively nods, causing you to sigh. You pat the girl's head and give her a reassuring smile. "Thank you for your help, and I promise." You wipe a tear. "I will get your sister back."

You rise, and your expression hardens. "Do you know which way the butterflies went?" If you were right, the woman from your dreams moves in a swarm of butterflies instead of by foot like a normal person.

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