31) Control Over Me

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Y/n steps forward, her blade at her side and the other hand poised over the handle as she began channeling. You stare down the woman head-on, Geo particles swirl around her figure as the woman smiles. "I'll handle this."

A powerful surge emits from your figure as you slash your blade. Anemo follows the slash through the air as it hurtles towards the woman. Geo crystals emerged from the ground and headed towards her as well.

Her umbrella blocks the attacks, and you appear behind her, anticipating this. She's caught off guard and doesn't react fast enough. Flames barely begin to form as you slash your blade across her back.

The soldiers watch in awe as she goes flying from the impact. Flipping over, she skids across the ground, spider lily petals fluttering into the air.

"My~ such strength, my child," she says and rises. She closes her umbrella, and flames engulf it. In her hands, there was a sword instead. "Now, then, shall we continue?"

You adjust your blade and shoot forward, the woman mirroring you, and the two blades clash, flames and geo surging at the contact. The two pull apart, and you skid back, crystals shooting from your foot and head in her direction.

She leans back as a crystal shard aimed for her head. A thin scratch appears, and she grins. A whirlwind of flames shot your way, and you quickly got out of the way. Your eyes flash in surprise when the woman appears in your path, and you barely parry her strike.

The pair exchange blows, and you can feel yourself growing exhausted from the ordeal. You thought her flames would be the problem, but her swordsmanship was a whole other force.

The clash between the two powerful females was a sight to behold, as the woman's fiery attacks clashed with the girl's swift and precise movements. Each strike sent shockwaves through the battlefield, causing the ground to tremble beneath their feet.

The four men badly wounded could only watch as the battle commenced.

Despite your best efforts to defend yourself, the woman's relentless assault began to wear you down, and the constant use of the elements to block was taking a toll. The flames that surrounded the woman seemed to grow stronger with each passing moment, engulfing you in a blazing inferno that threatened to consume you.

But just when it seemed like all hope was lost, e/c eyes flashed with determination as you summoned all your strength and unleashed a powerful gust of wind that extinguished the flames around you. With renewed vigor, Y/n launches a counterattack, using the geo to create an astonishing number of sharp projectiles that rained down upon her opponent.

The woman, caught off guard by the sudden turn of events, found herself on the defensive for the first time in the battle. As you pressed your advantage, the woman realized that she had underestimated her opponent's skill and determination.

"This child is quite powerful," she muses as she steps back and raises her blade.

In a final, desperate attempt to turn the tide, the woman unleashed a massive wave of fire that threatened to consume everything in its path. But you weren't backing down either and calling upon the power of the wind and geo, create a surge of power, and launch it at the oncoming flames.

With a swift and decisive strike, you pierced through the inferno and delivered a blow that sent her crashing to the ground. As the dust settled, Y/n was still on her feet, panting heavily as the woman lay on the ground a few feet away.

"Did she win?" one of the Millieth mumble. You sigh in relief when she doesn't move and turn away. "We should go look for the children," you say, making your weapon disappear.

The four soldiers nod in unison, relaxing as they get up. "That was amazing, Miss. Y/n!" the youngest Millieth exclaims with a bright smile. You chuckle a rub your neck nervously. "It came down to a matter of luck in the end."

"Well, then luck is definitely on your side," another chuckles, patting your shoulder. His eyes catch movement from behind, and his eyes widen. "Blast it! She's—" He tried to push you out of the way as the woman suddenly appeared behind you. However, with one swift movement, he was sent flying.

Y/n whirled around, summoning your blade, but you didn't realize how close she was. Her pale hand smacked against your head as she grabbed it. Cold malice was hidden behind her ruby-red eyes, her painted lips twisted into a frown.

"To think a mortal would force my hand like this," she says as she lifts you by the head. Your legs kick in the air as you grab her arm. Half of her long black locks shift into white, a different headpiece adorns her head, and her sclera turns black. A thick red, thorn-like vine wraps around the arm that holds you.

Your eyes widen as you feel something burn against your forehead. You scream in pain as it intensifies, but it's muffled by her hand. It felt like a blanket was washing over your mind, enveloping it in darkness.

You squeeze your eyes shut, fighting against whatever she is doing to your mind. Help...I need help, you think your brows knit together as you try to think.

Who could help you in this situation?

The Millieth were powerless against her, Zhongli wasn't even here, so who?

"Call out my name..."

E/c eyes snap open as you suddenly remember. However, you can sense that your mind is shrouded in a thick fog, making it difficult to think properly. Your body felt unresponsive as it went limp, your arms falling at your side. Call him...I need to call...

The hand holding you up finally released you, and you took your chances even as you felt yourself disappear.


The Millieth watched in horror as your slumped figure slowly rose. A red spider lily was branded on your forehead, glowing brightly. Your once bright e/c eyes were dull, your sclera black, mirroring the women behind you.

"She's being controlled!" One muttered as he raised his spear, shaking. He glances over at their fallen comrade, who has yet to move. "W-we must retreat and gather reinforcemen—" He was cut off by a hand smashing his head against the ground.

The others shout in surprise and back away as you slowly rise. You raise your hand, your sword appearing in your hand. Anemo particles flash around the blade as you slash the air, and both men are sent flying back.

The woman smiles, pleased with herself. Unbeknownst to her, the Millieth started rising to their feet, something gathering before them. "I made the right choice in making you, my puppet."

"What puppet?"

Her eyes twitch as she glances past you.

Black hair with teal streaks flutters in the anemo wind as shadow tendrils sway around his figure. A jade spear materializes in his hand as he brandishes it against the ground. His amber eyes narrow at the woman and flash to your back as you faced her.

"You know, human, I didn't expect my next meeting with you to be in battle," Xiao muses, walking closer.

"Wait, Adeptus Xiao!" He glances over his shoulder with a frown. The soldier staggers to his feet, panting heavily. "M-Miss. Y/n...hah..She's being con..trolled!" he wheezes.

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