~The Abnormal Morning~

Start from the beginning

She had her hands onto her face, covering her eyes and mouth, sobbing in fear. May frowned, she was horrified from what Filimena's trying to tell her about this dream she had.

"Jesus..That's terrible, what kind of a dream was that?"

"I don't know! I never have these dreams, ever! Unless..If this dream..Wasn't a dream at all...More like a vision."

She realized, her heart pounded.

"Vision, what do you mean?"

"Well, Normally when I think of dreams that have me or Asmodeus in them, they always tell me of what could happen next, and that.."entity" shown up on the same time as I had that nightmare."


May was becoming more unsure of Filimena's story, she turns to look at the broken glass of the bathroom mirror.

"There was someone..Here, I saw her, she was...Smiling, taunting me, she was something, or someone, I've never seen before, but something about her was creepy..Gave me an unnerved feeling, but something about her was..Familiar."

"Okay Fei, you're really not making any sense here, you mean to say you saw..Something, an entity from your mirror? And that's what caused you to have that "dream" of yours?"

"I'm positive! I'm not making any of this up, I know what I saw, you're the expert of the dead, and you know a lot more haunting things even more than I do, but somehow, I saw one, and she also said something about..My marriage. Something about it will be a disaster, or something will happened, I don't understand what she knows about me and my marriage, but I refuse to believe what she's saying. Something's going on, and I don't know why."

May then scoots over to give her a light side hug to help her calm down.

"Take it easy, I don't think there's anything you must worry, maybe it was just a stupid prank someone pull off, is there anything else this entity said to you?"

"There's..Another thing she said, she claims to know much about the Hell Spirits, how she was actually..One of them."

May stared at her for a moment, looking puzzled about what Filimena claimed.

"What? But, We're the only Hell spirits ever to walk on Lucifer's ground, we all know it's impossible to have us to be in our physical forms for too long, but yet, we still manage, so there can't be more out there we don't know about."

"That's what I thought too, but she said she has been here longer than we have, but..She's also trapped as well, I-I'm not sure what to think, all this is really making me sick."

Filimena felt her stomach ache from the feeling of worrying too much of this situation, May still tries her best to calm her down, even though she does suck at it.

"Look, why don't we just forget about it for one day, you got some cupid stuff to do anyway, wouldn't want that freakout from last night getting in the way to make some demons in love right?"

She said with a wink, this did cheer up Filimena as she laughed a little by May's sarcastic tone.

"Oh yes, it would be pretty bad, okay, I'll try the best I can for today, I don't want to be homesick from my job"

She said as she got up to get ready. She uses her magic to change her clothes, and works out the cuts on her hands. Brushing her long hair and finished up a few touches to complete her look. She felt good as new, and all her worrying splits away in seconds.

May thumbs up at her, smirk as Filimena flew away to get going on her cupid work, May waves goodbye to her after vanishing without a trace in the sky. But then, May then slowly looks back inside Filimena's apartment room. she floats inside to go back inside, and back to the bathroom where the broken shards of glass still stays. May picks up a few, some of them have the dry blood on the edges. She thought about what Filimena was trying to tell her, staring at the mirror with the look of dubious.

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