Disgusting Relief

Start from the beginning

As you're enjoying yourself the parasite was disappearing into your body. Of course not literally but as it reached deeper you couldn't feel it as much. But oh did you feel it when it suddenly bumped into your cervix. It didn't hurt too bad but it was certainly a surprise, making you clench around your fingers and groan. You're surprised it was so quick to bury into you like this but it's quickly dismissed by sharp pinpricks of pain.

Inside you the parasite was getting ready to fill and breed. A few legs were latching on and angling itself, and before you knew it it's cock was pulled out and just barely inside your womb. Small thrusts in and out, barely noticeable at all, all while you're masturbating at the same time. Lord you knew your floor was a mess but seems you're going to have to clean it again later...

It was a few minutes before you're pushed to the edge, somehow the quickest orgasm you've had. As you feel the gush of your own fluids the parasite was getting ready to fill you with its own. But of course there's a step first before that one. You slowly pull your fingers out, letting your dirty hand rest on your shaking thigh before you feel the oddest feeling. It feels like something is being pushed inside your body from.. well, inside you.

It's an egg. It's a lot bigger than expected, and even if you didn't expect any, it's a lot bigger compared to the size of the parasite. You squirm and whine at the feeling, having never experienced anything inside that deep before. It's one egg at first, dropping and clinging to your womb, before the parasite is near restless. Egg after egg as the parasite fills you right up. It's the strangest sensation you've ever felt in your life and you can't believe what's going on. But it seems you're bound to carry these eggs now whether you like it or not.

It's a long and enduring process. You're stuck sitting there in your own juices as the parasite is stuffing your womb full of eggs. You don't even know if you're going to be able to do anything by the time it's done. Your clean hand moves to your abdomen, but when you look down it's a shocking sight. Where your womb would be is now extended and bulging, odd bumps making it look, well, bumpy. Soon enough both hands are gently running along your belly bump as you feel the eggs being placed inside you.

Lord look what you got yourself into. If only you've pulled the parasite out, not let it inside you, maybe you wouldn't be stuck and bound to give birth. You're questioning everything going on for a while before you finally feel the parasite stop. No more eggs are being pumped into you for the time being. As you try to sit up you're suddenly hit by the feeling of something warm and liquid-y being spurted inside you. Is that.. sperm? Oh lord it's going to fully fill you up.

It's been over an hour. You're so full, body sore already from the act. You've been sitting for so long you've gone numb. When you finally feel the parasite stop spilling its seed inside you is when you move to look down again. Oh lord you're massive. At least compared to before that is. Bulging with different bumps from the eggs, feeling the parasite's sperm sloshing inside you. It's certainly the strangest feeling ever.

You can feel the parasite climbing out of you. It takes a minute or two before it's out, plopping onto the floor covered in yours and it's own fluids. It gives you one look before it was quick to leave you there. You sit there still for a while more, leaking your own and the parasite's fluids, before you decide you have to truly deal with this. Slowly getting up, being mindful of your now large belly, before you're cleaning yourself up with a paper towel. Not a pleasant experience to a sore cunt but at least you're dry enough to pull your shorts up.

After slowly cleaning the floor up you decide to go rest. You deserve it after all that that's happened. Soon enough you were on the couch and laying down, questioning what just happened. You let a parasite inside you, it fucked you, and now you're pregnant with what you assume are eggs. Now you're an incubator for parasite young. Your hands are gently grazing your belly as you rest and think, almost like a pregnant mother would.

It's a month before you're due. Of course you didn't tell anyone, just telling your job you needed time off and they surprisingly gave it to you. You've been going about the house and being so much more careful with your expanded belly. It grew in that month's time to be about what most think nine months pregnancy looks like, and you certainly felt like it. Back killing you, hard to breathe, that damn peeing thing where you have to go but it's just a trickle.

As you're lying in bed one day you feel something shift inside you. Reaching down you can feel the eggs.. moving? Are they about to hatch? You try to stifle the excitement you feel before it's replaced by slight pain. You move and try to get up but it hurts too much now in a sudden wave of sharp pain. You lay there, squirming and whining, before you feel the first egg moving down through your canal. It is not a pleasant feeling at all due to its size.

You're laying eggs. Now what are you, a bird? You hold back your tears as you feel the eggs start to slip down and try to leave you. Kicking your pants off before spreading your legs, letting the eggs flow out. At least you wanted them to easily come out, but with their size it's a long process. You're soon enough crying and clutching at the sheets as you try not to scream and hurt the eggs.

It takes yet another hour. An entire hour to lay these eggs, feeling as they pile up on the bed in front of your sore pussy. Good lord how many did that thing put in you?! It was so painful you could nearly pass out from the pain. But luckily for you, it finally stopped when the largest one passed out of you. A few long moments of catching your breath before you finally move to sit up just a little. You can see your body has been altered, a bit flabby and still slightly bulging, but it isn't as ginormous now.

But now you have all these eggs you just birthed. They look so small in comparison to how big they felt coming out of you. And of course you didn't know how long they would take to hatch, let alone how to handle them when they do. But for the moment you cover them up with a sheet before just falling back and falling asleep instantly. Too exhausted to go on.

When you wake up it's nighttime now. Luckily your lamp is on and you can see nearly everything. As you sit up fully now you seem to feel so.. empty. Looking around now the eggs seemed to have hatched and dispersed outside. Now you're just a little sad. All that life you carried, gone in just a few hours. But at least it's over and you're no longer pregnant...

For now at least.

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