14 2 0

peter parker

As I sat in the waiting room, surrounded by the imposing figures of Bucky and Fury, a sense of unease settled within me. Their silent presence felt overwhelming, and my anxiety started to rise. However, a moment of relief washed over me when Natasha entered the room with her signature red hair. Despite her usual calm demeanor, today she wore a frown, indicating her underlying frustration.

Shortly after, Tony and Bruce arrived, bringing a touch of lightheartedness to the room with Tony's attempted humour. However, his attempts fell flat, leaving a sense of tension lingering in the air. Tony took a seat next to me, attempting to engage in conversation. "Hey kid," he greeted me with a warm smile.

"Hey Tony," I responded, trying to ease the awkwardness of the situation.

Tony's attention shifted, and he directed a question at me. "So, you know the girl?" he asked, referring to Thalia. I nodded in affirmation, but before I could elaborate, Fury intervened, urging Tony to refrain from probing further. Wanda's curious glance toward Natasha didn't go unnoticed, and I couldn't help but inquire about the tension between the two.

"What's going on between Wanda and Natasha?" I whispered to Tony, hoping for some insight. Tony's smile faltered, and he hesitated before responding, "I have an idea, but I think it's best not to delve into it." As Wanda's gaze turned toward me, I sensed her discomfort, prompting me to clear my throat and divert my attention elsewhere. 

As Fury's words pulled me back into the conversation, my mind raced, attempting to grapple with the unexpected attention directed at me. "Parker, you're continuing this for me," he instructed, snapping me out of my distracted state. I blinked in surprise, feeling unprepared for the spotlight. "Oh, uh, no... I don't-" I stammered, attempting to decline.

But before I could finish my sentence, Fury's authoritative tone cut through my protest. "Get your ass up and tell us who the girl is," he demanded sternly.

Reluctantly, I cleared my throat and stood up, the weight of the room's gaze settling heavily on me. "The girl that we saw the other day is my friend Thalia," I admitted, my voice wavering slightly. Tony raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. Natasha also showed interest, tilting her head inquisitively.

"She's fifteen years old and is the only child. Her dad is a lawyer, and her mom is a fashion designer. I'm sure you've heard of Kaitlin Jones?" I continued, my voice lowering as I revealed more details. Tony's gasp confirmed my assumption, "Her mother is Kaitlin Jones?" he exclaimed, visibly surprised.

"Yeah," I confirmed with a nod. Tony leaned back into his seat, clearly taken aback by the revelation. Despite the interruption, Steve urged me to continue, shooting Tony a disapproving glance that signalled the need to focus on the matter at hand, urging me to reveal more details or information I might have about Thalia or the situation.

"Hum... She hasn't mentioned to either one of us about having powers or anything," I began tentatively, feeling the weight of the situation. "But... she has been acting quite strange for the past week," I confessed, my voice filled with concern and uncertainty.

The room fell into a momentary silence as my words hung in the air, the gravity of Thalia's unexplained behaviour and the absence of any disclosure about her abilities adding to the tension in the room. Natasha's furrowed brow indicated her growing interest in the conversation, while Tony's thoughtful expression hinted at his contemplation of the situation.

"She's been distant, and I've noticed some odd things happening around her," I continued, trying to articulate the peculiarities I had observed without revealing the full extent of Thalia's mysterious behaviour.

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