"I told you to sleep more," Gwen scolded as Andrew pulled open the sliding door.

"It's 1 in the afternoon, Gwendolyn. I'm not trying to rot in bed for the day." Andrew murmured as he emerged into the room, his presence catching Vivienne's eyes immediately. She turned to him with a sleepy smile, then her eyes narrowed at his sluggish figure.

"You all right?" She asked, and Andrew shrugged dismissively.

"He's not, he's coming down with something and he's supposed to be resting before the show." Gwen grumbled, her eyes trained on the laptop in front of her.

"C'mere," Vivienne said softly. Andrew complied immediately, not turning down any chance to be near her. Vivienne bent a finger to gesture him to lean down, using one hand to brush a tuft of his hair behind his ear while the other was pressed to his forehead. Andrew put every bit of energy into not melting into her at that moment, shutting his eyes so he didn't have to see the adorably focused look on her face as she determined his temperature. "Hm. You do feel a bit warm..."

Andrew gave a gruff hum and straightened his posture before replying. "The bunks are just a bit stuffy."

"Well if you're not going to sleep, at least get some tea," Gwen demanded, and Andrew shook his head at her protectiveness.

He switched on the electric kettle, turning to Vivienne and using his free hand to press his thumb to his chin with his fingers splayed.


Vivienne giggled, her tongue between her teeth.

"The hell did you just sign—" Gwen exclaimed, pointing a finger to Andrew. "And when did you know ASL in the first place?"

"I'm full of surprises," Andrew bantered.

Gwen shook her head with a tsk, turning back to Vivienne and continuing the conversation. Andrew picked up bits and pieces that he had already been told as he turned back to the counter to watch his water slowly roll to a boil. He took a shaky breath, his knuckles turning white from his grip on the granite. He bent over a bit as the feeling of his chest caving in began to take over again, his knees getting weak and his eyes squeezing shut to let the feeling takeover for a moment. He hadn't even noticed Gwen excuse herself to the bathroom, or Vivienne approach to his right and grab the kettle as it hissed loudly.

"You need to start paying attention," Her voice broke his trance, his head snapping over to watch as she poured the boiling water in to two mugs. The sight of her didn't make him feel much better at all, in fact, he only felt his body crumbling more. "One day this is gonna boil over and we'll all be fucked."

Andrew couldn't even force a smile at her joke, his mind focused on taking in every one of her features as if it was the last time he could. "Sorry, I get distracted."

Vivienne connected their gazes, her eyes narrowing at his behavior; then immediately softening in realization. She took a step back as she saw the obvious signs of Andrew's infatuation again, her body heating up but her mind screaming for her to run. She struggled to get out her words. "S'Alright. Just try your best not to kill us all."

Andrew nodded, his eyebrows upturned in the middle as he watched her pull away— physically and mentally. His presence seemed to never be a good thing for her, their conversations always quickly faltering when Andrew's emotions came to light. "I'll do my best."

Vivienne nodded, her lips pressed together as she pulled out a bag of tea and dropped it into Andrew's mug. She took a shaky breath, stepping away from the counter— and from Andrew. There wasn't any way in the world that she would let herself accept falling for him. Vivienne hated love. She hated the way it made her feel weak, and helpless, and completely at will to Andrew. And she hated the way Andrew never knew how to love her back. Sure, he could comfort her in a moment of vulnerability, or dump hundreds of dollars into seeing a quick smile on her face, but it always ended the same: with Vivienne in confusion over if any of it was real, and with Andrew secluding himself to make sure it wasn't.

𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘌𝘔𝘗𝘛𝘠 𝘗𝘈𝘙𝘛𝘚 𝘖𝘍 𝘔𝘌 - HOZIERWhere stories live. Discover now