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"Viv, please slow down." Andrew murmured, a hand shielding his eyes from the sunlight that poured through the glass roof of the mall. He begrudgingly followed behind the blur of black hair skipping in front of him, his own steps incapable of keeping a straight line. He scolded himself for not bringing a hat, or an extra handful of Advil to suppress the hangover, but he didn't have much time to think of either as Vivienne had dragged everyone off of the bus within minutes of waking them up.

"You're the ones who decided to drink enough to kill a horse," She shrugged, turning to face the group of sluggish band members; their eyes squinted and their shoulders drooping. "Actions: meet consequences."

"No need to rub it in, kid," Ciarán sighed, his face twisted in pain. His grumbled words earned a light laugh from Vivienne. "Not funny."

"Hilarious, actually," She beamed, arms crossed behind her hips innocently. Andrew groaned, keeping his eyes low as they walked as to avoid the strain on his head from the sun— and the strain on his heart from catching a glimpse of her. "And I'm not to blame, the outing was Andrew's idea."

"I'm not the one that woke us up." Andrew rubbed his forehead, his voice still gravelly with sleep.

"Don't kill the messenger," She threw her hands in the air, her words accompanied by a sickeningly sweet grin that made Andrew's stomach twist.

"Can we start with the food court?" Ciarán asked predictably, earning a few nods from the group. Andrew felt a wave of nausea wash over him at even the idea of eating.

"I had some breakfast on the bus, I'll split off." Vivienne's words made Andrew sigh in relief.

"I'll stick with you." He followed behind her as the rest of the group started towards the food court. Andrew caught up to her quickly, slowing his steps to meet her pace. Almost immediately after he was at her side, Vivienne stopped in her tracks, a small tsk slipping from her lips.

"Shit..." She frowned at her feet, and Andrew followed her gaze down. "Just got these new laces before we left for tour— they're too damn long. I keep stepping on them."

"Just make a reef knot." Andrew suggested, his words blunt from irritation.

"What the fuck is that?"

Andrew muttered a few curses to himself, bending one leg onto the linoleum floors and gesturing to her. Vivienne hesitated, then lifted her foot and placed the sole of her shoe onto his knee. Andrew made quick work, looping both of the long laces into a tight knot, then crooking two fingers to tell her to give the other foot.

"Where did you learn this weird shit?" She complied as she spoke, her head tilted as she watched his hands work on her other shoe.

Andrew snickered, still tying as he spoke. "Scouting Ireland: a field group for kids to teach 'life skills', but all I remember is a few knots and how to start a fire with two sticks."

𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘌𝘔𝘗𝘛𝘠 𝘗𝘈𝘙𝘛𝘚 𝘖𝘍 𝘔𝘌 - HOZIERWhere stories live. Discover now