Lisa lost Jieun after that accident, she couldn't go search for her friend when she couldn't leave the school grounds. But one year ago, Jieun came back here as a teacher and Lisa was far too excited to care as she flew straight in front of the other's face. The scream Jieun let out still sometimes traumatizes Lisa's mind and it is truly a miracle that Jieun managed to not get fired after that.

But one thing was clear, Jieun could see Lisa and that thing fucked with her brain to the point she started getting headaches even though it wasn't possible. When she confronted Jieun about this situation, the elder was much calmer.

It turned out that she belonged to the early Jang dynasty from her mother's side, a family with sophisticated powers in their bloodline and an ability to see supernatural beings.

Also, there was some guesthouse of the moon—named Hotel Del Luna or something—run by her (great-great-great-great-great) aunt in Seoul for the last two thousand years, which provided a facility to help the ghosts fulfill their last wish so they could depart to the afterlife.

But that's the problem, Lisa doesn't have a last wish like that. All she wanted was to live.

"You seem sulky today," Jieun comments fixing an air pod in her ear to pretend that she is talking to someone on the phone, so students don't deem her crazy.

"I'm always like this." Lisa shrugs in response as she swiftly moves her hand back and forth through the brown bench.

"I asked my aunt about your situation. And she contacted the deity about this."

Lisa's ears perk at that statement, "Deity? As in the God?"

Jieun nods.

"Your aunt can talk to GODS?"

"Lisa, she runs a ghost hotel for a living, what do you expect?" Jieun says like it's the most obvious thing in the world. "And technically, these 'gods' are easy to communicate, they live among us and run this world by being on earth itself—" Jieun pauses when she sees Lisa's looking at her like she has gone bonkers "— Anyway that's not the point. The thing is that the deity says you can come back to life."


"There is a lunar eclipse in a few days and that's when the moon will be at its full power before it gets shielded. And during its cover, if we are able to do the enchantment right, then you can gain back your body." Jieun explains.

"Jieun—ohmygod—I can't..." Lisa splutters to form words and her body starts to levitate on its own due to the immense joy and relief she is feeling. "I love you so much for this!"

"I love you back. But you see, there are some conditions too. And one of the most important ones is that you must find someone, a person who loves you with complete devotion, someone who will wish for you to stay in this world, till the solar eclipse, or else..." Jieun hesitates, she tugs her raven hair behind her ear and sighs, "or else you will disappear."

"Disappear as in move to the afterlife, right?" Lisa asks, still floating in the air as she starts the glide backward, unknowingly, towards the field.

Jieun purses her lips, her wide eyes conflicted and then she slowly shakes her head.

Lisa knows it isn't possible, but her heart sinks and resurfaces in a split second. It's disturbing that she will just disappear like that into nothing, and yet it doesn't sound much worse than the aimless thing she is experiencing right now. Maybe if it doesn't work out, she can at least experience a glimmer of life again before getting free of it for good.

"It's fine, I don't mind getting rid of this life anyway." Lisa shrugs as she moves right through a girl, Jieun seems far away now but thanks to her ghostly powers, she can hear her just the same.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2023 ⏰

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