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Jung Leia :
I won't tell him if you give me a kiss

Sir-Loves-A-Lot Kim Jibeom :
Okay I should rush there so I can give you a kiss.

Jung Leia :
You gotta drive to me safely!

Sir-Loves-A-Lot Kim Jibeom :
Anyway I wore a white-coloured shirt you bought me.
Is it okay?

Jung Leia :
You look the best in that
But why? Haha

Sir-Loves-A-Lot Kim Jibeom :
I wanna look neat since these people are important to you.
Please introduce them well to me!

Jung Leia :

Sir-Loves-A-Lot Kim Jibeom :
I'm on my way now.

Jung Leia :
Drive safely!

* * *

While waiting for Editor Son to arrive, Leia is having a chat with her best friend from Serendipity, Jang Aya.

5 months after Serendipity ends, Aya got married to Joochan and they had welcomed their first son 3 months ago. Now, Aya has became a freelance jeweller, at the same time a full-time painter, and runs a craft shop with her mom while Joochan has open new branches of cafe in Paju and Suwon.

Leia is asking for Aya's help by ordering an engrave ring for Jibeom.

Jang Aya :
I'm just to make sure about the ring you ordered before
It's size 18, right?
With the names JibeomLeia engraved inside, right?
I'm about to start working on it hehe

Jung Leia :
Yes! Hehe
Aaahhh thank you so much Aya!
I'm sorry for trouble you a lot!
You've just given birth 3 months ago but now you're working on my ring😭

Jang Aya :
It's okay, Leia!
I'm happy to be such a help for you both!
And you said you're giving him the ring on your trip, right?
Then I should finish it the latest by the first week of November hehe

Jung Leia :
Yeah that's fine!

Jang Aya :
But girl..
What's the meaning of this ring hehe?

Jung Leia :
It's just for the 1st year anniversary hahaha

Jang Aya :
Only for the 1st year anniversary huh?
Hmm I don't think Jibeom will think that way

Jung Leia :
Jibeom gives me a ring for our 100th days so I wanna give one too haha

Jang Aya :
It's funny how you're both gifting each other gifts hahaha
Bruh just shop for wedding rings already
But I'll take care of these well❤️

Jung Leia :
HAHAHA Aya this is not one of your marketing strategies, right?! Hahaha

Jang Aya :
But seriously you really have no plan for it?
I thought you were a person who'd come to marriage in the first place

Jung Leia :
I mean.. I did but
I'm not sure about how Jibeom thinks about it

Jang Aya :
I bet Jibeom has thought about it since 30 millions years ago!

Jung Leia :
LOL really?

Jang Aya :
Honestly if I was Jibeom
I would've wanted to discuss a future with you since a while ago
I mean of course you both are having your own goals in life but I know Jibeom's thinking what's the best for Areum in general
I understand the feeling of "protecting your kid at all costs" feeling after I gave birth to my son
I know Jibeom is doing the same thing but since Areum knows you well too, so why not?

SERENDIPITY 「KJB」Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat