Sujata bastard no. 9

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Bahadur Gurung impregnated Sushila. She gave birth to his daughter Sujata.

Sushant had invited , Charles Desouza for Dinner at his place. He came along with one of his friends Bahadur Gurung whe worked as a bearer in the Hotel Leela Palace.

They talked about their life experiences while eating their Dinner. Sushant had invited Dr. Nalini and the nurse Mohini to give company to Sushila.

Bahadur told them about one incident that took place in his native village. It was so hilarious that made them laugh holding their stomachs.

He told that a tiger visited their village every night and was killing their cattles.

So they asked him to hunt and kill the tiger as he was a good shooter. He needed a cow or a bull to tie to the tree to attract the tiger. As soon as the tiger came close to the animal, Bahadur would shoot and kill. But none of the villager agreed to give their cattle for that purpose. Bahadur requested one of his friends to be tied I
wearing the costume of a cow. He was at first unwilling. Then Bahadur promised to pay him 5000 rs. he hesitantly accepted.

That night the tiger didn't come but a bull who was on heat came and thinking his friend as a cow tried to mate him . He climbed on his back , seeing that Bahadur and other villagers ran and chased away the bull.

Dr. Nalini asked Bahadur whether the tiger was killed or not.

He told that his friend after the incident refused to be the cow. The villagers also hesitant to give their cattle.

So Bahadur sat every night with a gun for a week. Ultimately when the tiger came one night to the village, Bahadur shot him dead.

After dinner Dr Nalini and nurse Mohini went to Sushila's residence which was turned into nursery and day care centre for Sushila's eight illegitimate children.

Charles and Bahadur slept in the guest room as it was 2 Am. and it was too late to go home.

Sushila was on heat and she asked Sushant to have sex with her.

Knowing that if he fucked her he most probably would make her pregnant.

So he told her , he was not feeling well, therefore he asked her to masturbate and release herself.

Sushila asked him ,"Why don't you ask Charles to fuck me instead?"

"One man one child Sushila . That's what we have agreed upon."

"If I ask Charles then there is every possibility of he making you pregnant." He said.

"What about his friend?"she asked.

"Who? Bahadur , the Nepali Gurkha?" He asked.

"Yes ... He appeared to be a nice gentleman." She said

"That's the problem. He is a gentleman.I don't think he would like the idea of fucking other person's wife." Said he.

Sushila said ," I am going to watch some movie and get so bored that I may fall off to sleep from sheer boredom."

She went to the hall to watch the movie. She didn't forget to carry the new dildo she had ordered online.

She went and lay down on the sofa and switched on the TV. She opened YouTube for the movie, and started watching the movie Fifty shades of grey.

While watching the hero fuck the heroine ,she inserted the dildo in her pussy and began moving it in and out of her pussy.

Bahadur was thirsty. Charles told him where the kitchen was, so he came to take the water to drink.

While he was quenching his thirst, he heard someone calling his name. So he proceeded towards the direction from where the sound was coming.

He was shocked to see Sushila lying on the sofa with her legs spread open and her pussy stuffed with a dildo. Her eyes were closed and she was saying , " Come on Bahadur fuck me hard...aahhhh yessssss"

He stood there mesmerized. At the same time Sushant came down to see what was his wife upto.

He saw that his wife was moving a dildo in her pussy and calling Bahadur's name asking him to fuck her hard. And also saw Bahadur near his wife with wide opened eyes, watching the dildo going in and out of his wife's pussy. Sushant also noticed the bulge in the shorts he was wearing. It was a clear indication that he was sexually aroused.

Sushant said loudly, "What's happening here."
Sushila opened her eyes and saw her husband and Bahadur both standing and watching what she was doing with her pussy.

She took out the dildo and stood up.

Sushant told Bahadur that few days before starting her periods ,his wife experiences sexual bouts and needs to get fucked. As he was indisposed he couldn't do it.
He told him , "She asked me to request you to help her out. I told her the idea of fucking other person's wife is abominable to you".

"You are right Sushant. But if the lady is so desperate then I don't mind helping her." He looked expectantly to Sushant.

Sushant sighed and said , In case if you really feel obliged to help her out ,then come to our bedroom. Both Sushila and Bahadur followed him.

When they reached the bedroom, Sushant helped Sushila remove all her cloth and made her lie down on the bed.

He told Bahadur to drop his shorts and come to bed to do the needful.

Bahadur threw his Tshirt and short on the floor and climbed the bed. He rubbed his penis and set it on her wet pussy. He gave a hard push and it reached its target

Sushant watched with surprise the speed with which Bahadur was pounding his wife's pussy. As if he was not a human being but a mashine that once switched on would go on working till it is switched off.

He could see that Sushila was exhausted and just lay silently bearing his striking her pussy hard and fast.

He gave a victory shout and released his liquid inside the well fucked pussy of Sushila. He didn't remove his dick but allowed it to relax in her passage.

There was no sign of any tiredness on him ,where as Sushila looked punctured. Sushant couldn't stop his smile. He guessed that Sushila had finally met her match in the form of Bahadur. He got up and left the room to go and sleep with Charles in the guestroom, leaving Sushila at the mercy of Bahadur.

Next morning Bahadur came to guest room. He took bath and got ready to go. He informed Sushant that he has to leave as he has to attend his duty at Hotel Leela Palace.

Charles also took leave and went to attend his duty at Hotel Oberoi.

Sushant went to his room . He saw Sushila sleeping with swollen pussy that narrated the story of getting fucked the whole night.

He searched for the priscription the doctor had given when his wife faced the same problem.

He went and bought the tablet and ointment from the pharmacy. The chemist smiled and handed over the package to Sushant.

He came home.Helped Sushila to take bath with hot water. Then applied the ointment on her pussy.

It took two days medication to bring back her pussy to normalcy.

Sushila started labour pain and was admitted in the hospital. Bahadur was present there at the time of Sushila's delivery.

She delivered a cute girl. Bahadur clicked her pic and sent it to his parents who were the residents in Nainital.

The birth certificate

Name : Sujata Bahadur Gurung
Father : Bahadur Tensing Gurung.
Mother : Sushila Sushant Singh
Religion of the child: Indian Gurkha .

Sushant noted that she had delivered nine bastard children.

Three more bastards to be borne by her to complete his mission.

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Adding one more chapter to my story Mother of 12 Bastards.
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