Arun bastard no. 8

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Amit Singh Rana impregnated Sushila She gave birth to his son Arun.

Sushila became uneasy even though Sushant was giving her enough sex, she felt the spark missing.

Sushant took her to jungle safari.He booked for their five day's stay at a resort.

When they reached there it was extremely hot. They were ushered to their tent.The AC was switched on much earlier than their arrival.
So the interior of the tent was cool and pleasant.

The beds was large. The matress was soft and spongy. We were served with chilled fresh orange juice.

The boy who brought us the orange juice looked quite young.

Sushant asked him how old was he ? He said he was 23 years old.

"You look much younger than your age. I thought you were 18 or something. " said Sushant.

Actually I started working here when I was 18. I work here during vacation only.

I have just given my exam in post graduation.

In what faculty did you do your post graduation.

I did MBA. Master of business administration. And now I am doing DBA. ( Doctor of Business Administration)

"That's very good."

"A person with your qualifications can get much better job than serving here as an errand boy."

"I have been offered good positions by quite a big and renowned companies when I had completed my BBA and MBA."

"But I want to first complete my education.
There is a larger scope and after completion of MBA."

I wish you all the best for your bright future.

Thank you Sir.

By the way what's your name?.

Amit Singh Rana. I am a Rajput Sir.

"Nice talking to you Amit."

"The pleasure was all mine Sir."

Before leaving Amit told them that the breakfast , lunch and dinner is served in the hall.

"We serve drinks and refreshments when the guests arrive . Then they are served food in the hall only. Unless somebody falls sick and cannot come to the hall then we serve them in the tent."

"See you at dinner Sir." Amit said and left.

Sushila was lying down on the bed and listening to the dialogues between Sushant and Amit.

When Amit left she said, "Have you noticed one thing about Amit?"

I looked at her with question written all over my face.

When she didn't say anything he said , "What is it that you had noticed?"

"Really.... I thought it was obvious."

"Not to me. What is it that you feel it was obvious?"

"He didn't notice me at all."

"Of course he noticed you . Didn't he bring two glasses of orange juice? One for me and the other was for you. Then how can you say that he didn't notice you?" Said Sushant.

"You don't get it. I meant to say that he didn't notice me as a woman. Either I am losing my charm or Amit is a asexual, or observing celibacy or abstinence from sex."

"You definitely didn't lose your sex appeal. But Amit is a growing boy. He must be taking notice of young girls and you are a mother of seven children." Sushant teased her.

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