He was an annoying asshole. Now waving at Jiseok, he approached him and scanned his furious face. He was wearing one of Jiseok's favourite hoodies, a black one, that he decided to randomly steal from him when they went out to the grocery store. It concerned Jiseok that he was still behaving as if it were yesterday. 

"Jiseok! I thought you had lectures later today," Jooyeon pulled him into a hug, wrapping his arms around his waist but Jiseok couldn't withstand that even though he loved the way he felt between his arms. He pushed him away, harshly. "What is wrong?"

"Funny," he scoffed, "you can stop pretending now." his hands moved away as if burned when the boy across from them tried to catch them. 

"What do you mean?" Jooyeon tilted his head to the side and Jiseok furrowed his brows, he didn't find him amusing. "Jiseok, can you talk to me like a normal person?"

"Says you," he growled lowering his voice so that only Jooyeon would hear his next sentence. "I regret ever trusting you."

Jooyeon furrowed his eyebrows, he seemed so clueless.

"Jooyeon, you are a motherfucker," he shouted feeling his chest going up and down faster than before. His vision dimmed and Jooyeon's innocent expressions made him go insane. "I wish I had never met you."

"You are joking now, right?" the latter scanned his whole body, he wasn't in the best state. All furious and pissed off. It concerned him, so he asked again. "Jiseok, aren't you?" 

"No, how the fuck could I be?" he closed his eyes and bit his lower lip, Jooyeon was a whore, a fucking little whore that had nothing better to do with his life and decided to ruin Jiseok's just for fun. 

"But I didn't... I didn't do anything." his hands were pressed to his chest, checking his own heartrate and he must have been a good liar even now because his face told Jiseok that his poor heart was beating abnormally fast.

"Don't get me wrong, it was the worst thing anyone could ever do. I trusted you," after this statement, Jiseok closed his mouth shut, he wasn't swallowing the boy's lies. 

"But what the... what are you even talking about?" Jooyeon was even breathing fast, his eyes looking everywhere as if seeking help. He tried getting away from this talk once again, it was idiotic, thought Jiseok looking at him with fury in his flaming eyes. "Are you mad at me for the cake?"

"A fucking cake? Haven't you seen anything concerning online today?" he decided to go straight to the point, Jooyeon was already getting on his nerves and he wanted to end this talk quickly. 

"No..." that was it. Jooyeon looked at him with those puppy eyes he loved so much and it irritated him even more. How could he behave like that now?

"Lying is fun and you are doing it even now." he looked into his eyes while searching for his phone, Jooyeon swallowed hard, was it the first sign of him breaking the character? Jiseok opened the phone with disgust on his face, he didn't want to read it. "A 21-year-old musician from the rock band Ecstasy, Kwak Jiseok was caught sleeping with a 17-year-old boy. Find out more about the newly discovered paedophile!"  his voice echoed gaining single glances from passers-by. "Are you satisfied now? It's blowing up the internet, was it what you wanted to achieve?"

"What the hell— show me," he felt his heart in his throat, slowly coming up making it harder to breathe and his hands were shaking so badly, he took Jiseok's phone immediately reading the article quickly in his mind. "It's all lies, I didn't do that Jiseok, I swear." 

His eyes wandered from line to line, even though it all started to blur together as he learned so many strange things. Although, strange wasn't the right word for what he was going through inside.

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