Once Becca is satisfied with everything, she waves Skyler and me into chairs pushed close to each other. The plates are set with takeout from my favorite restaurant, a little dinner date at home. "You guys squeeze in there. Okay, this is the first 'date' we're doing."

Bringing out my own phone, I raise it up. Becca helps me angle the couple selfie for the best shot before stepping out of the frame. I start to press the button and pose. Skyler sits stock still, his face frozen in a terrible smile.

"Stop," Becca calls out. "Skyler, you have to do something."

"Here," I angle my shoulder into his body. "Put your arm around me."

Skyler reaches out, the touch of his arm sending heat through to my skin. "Like this?"

"Mm-hmm, just relax a little. You don't have to look cheerful, just sincere. Okay?"

Skyler gives me a nod. Becca quickly rechecks the camera's angle and I start taking pictures again. I shift a little bit each time, with Skyler still sitting woodenly beside me.

I put the camera down when Becca claps her hands together. "This isn't working."

"I don't know what to do." Skyler acknowledges.

"Just...I don't know, at least act like you're enjoying this. It's a date with the man voted third-hottest in America."

"Really?" Skyler whips his face to me.

"Twelfth in Europe." I brush off the brag with a small shrug.

Apprehension dissipates in his face as a small breath of a laugh escapes him.

"There you go, relax a little." I sink further against him and feel the deep breath he lets out. I remember this is all new to him. "Maybe we just need a short break?"

"Do we?" Becca calls out. "We still have three more costume changes."

"I'm sorry," Skyler offers up an apology. "I'll try to get this right."

"You're improving every photo, it's fine." I shoot a look over at Becca. Cut it out. "Why don't you help us?"

"Okay, okay." Becca comes up behind Skyler. "Turn your shoulders like this. Good, now tilt your head. Great, and look into each other's eyes."

I'm watching the screen to make sure we stay centered. Skyler raises a hand and lightly puts a finger under my chin. With a determined expression, he turns my face towards him, the pull of his finger guides me even closer.


The phone drops from my fingers, hitting the tabletop and scattering some of the silverware. "Shit."

Becca helps me clean everything up and back into position. My chin can still feel the heat of his hand.

"Was that bad?"

I look up to see Skyler watching me, eyes and mouth turned down.

"No-no. That was great." I quickly position the phone before turning to him with a big grin. "Do it just like that."


After that, the pictures go smoother. We take photos in the living room, posing some like drinks after dinner and some like a movie date.

Skyler is learning quicker and becoming more and more relaxed. He seems to feel better looking at me than at the camera. Each time his eyes land on me it pushes my temperature up another notch.

His hand flexes on my arm. His thigh presses against mine. It's getting harder and harder to keep the heat out of my face.

"I think we're going to get some nice ones outside. Instead of a selfie, I'll take them, that way you two can be completely absorbed in the moment." Becca directs us out onto the veranda at the back of the house. The cool air feels soothing.

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