Chapter 5 - Upon Arrival.

Start from the beginning

"Yes, hours ago." I think?

"I don't know how I got here and why I am in this?....she throws up her hands looking around.

"Carriage" he answers for her.

"Yes, this carriage"

"Is this some sort of park or some sort of Historical site?"

"Our grounds are considered a park to most as we have many gardens."

"What is this place called?"

"You have the pleasure of arriving at Cusworth Hall, Doncaster, Yorkshire, England".


"You have got to be joking me? Right? I live in Lexington, Kentucky, in the United States of America."

"How the Hell did I get to England in a Taxi?

"Something strange is going on here, I am supposed to be at the hospital."

"There isn't a hospital for forty miles."

"Oh man now I want to strangle someone." "You mean to tell me I will have to have my baby here in this carriage?"

The man really has no words for this strange woman, his angel. He decides to just help her the best way he knows how.

"May I ask your name milady?" he asks.

"Troianne, my name is Troianne Shelden."

"Ouch! Owwwww! Oh God here comes another contraction! Oh Help Me! I am only eight months pregnant, the baby is not due yet!"

"You are doing fine Mrs. Shelden, I am here to help you, do not fear, you are in good hands."

"Its Miss, I am not married."

Shock revealed itself briefly in his strong chiseled features. He quickly recovered and moved to lift her gown to check at the progression of her labor.

"Yes, hmmm, well Miss Shelden shall we have a look?"

"What do you think you are doing?" She screeched.

"Stop that!" Grabbing for her gown to hold it down.

"Milady, I am Duncan Bells-Whitby, Second Earl of Cusworth."

"I also happen to be a man of medicine, a doctor."

"Have no fear I have delivered many babies and will endeavor to help you deliver yours safely."

"Now, please let me have a look and see if the babies head has crowned."

She didn't know whether she should trust this man, punch him or kiss him (where had that come from?) but at this point she had no choice the urge to push was to much to contain. He slowly lifted her gown and had a look.

"good no head yet, now he could try and get her out of this carriage.

Letting her gown go back down over her knees, he scoots to the door.

"Now give me your hand and let me help you from the carriage." She does as he requests and tries to pull herself across the seat into his arms, he then partially lifts her up and through the door to hand her out to Mr. Gilford. Who has been standing in the wind, rain and storm this whole time.

"Here good man take her out" as the old man helps her from the carriage a woman shows up behind him and manages to help steady Troianne on her feet, just as they were about to take a step, she falters and starts to go down, the butler Whiley, makes a grab for her but the Earl picks her up bridal style and sweeps Troianne off her feet and into his arms, he proceeds to carry her into the hall.

Troianne (Book 1 of A Time Travel Society Novel Series)Where stories live. Discover now