"Who's moms friend?" Rachael asked Aunt Nattie once we were seated on the couches in the upstairs living room.

"I have no idea. I'm sure it'll surprise us all," Aunt Nattie sighed.

Thirty minutes later the door bell rang. My mom soon called us all down.

Everyone was already sitting in the fancy living room downstairs. "Those three are my children and that's my sister, her husband, and her son." Mom said pointing to us. I looked over to who she was talking to.

Three people I'd never seen before. A man and woman around my parents age and a son that looked a few years older than me.

"Joesph this is my daughter Savannah," she said talking to the son. He stood up and shook my hand. This was getting a little weird.

"Savannah honey your parents,my husband, and I have decided what's best for both of our families is an, well go Joseph." The woman said smiling.

Joesph walked towards me and got on one knee.

What is happening?!!?!???

"Will you marry me Savannah?" He asked opening up a little box that revealed an engagement ring.

"An arranged marriage." The woman finished.

I didn't know if I heard her right, "An arranged marriage for me?"

"Yes, why are you so shocked?" My mom said.

"Um maybe because I've never met him before until today. And just incase you forgot we live in America and I can say no to all this." I snapped. I was getting really frustrated.

"Give us a minute please," My mom said taking me by my arm and walking to the kitchen.

"I'm not marrying him," I said.

"Oh yes you will and you know why," she said putting her hands on her hips, "because I know what you've been doing this past couple of weeks and with who. So I suggest that if you want to keep your professor safe then you will marry this boy. He's smart and kind. If you marry him I'll leave the professor alone. If you don't then we both know what'll happen."

I stood there, shocked.

"Get yourself together and come back when you're ready to say yes." She said before walking off.

I knew what I had to do but I really didn't want to. How'd she figure out I was with Eric?

I just wanted to burst into tears.

No you'll cry about this later, go in there and do it for Eric!

I slowly walked into the living room and I felt everyone's eyes on me. I walked up to joesph and said, "Yes I will marry you."

Joesph smiled as he took the ring out of the box and slid it on to my finger. "Oh this is great," clapped the women. Eric was the only person on my mind.

"I'll pick you up tonight for our first date, sweetheart." Joesph said kissing me on the forehead. After they left I wasn't in the mood to talk so I went out to the backyard.

I sat on the patio chairs and looked out to the huge pool. A few minutes later my dad came and took a seat on the chair next to mine.

"How do you feel about this marriage?" Dad asked breaking the silence. "I don't want to get married," I said looking over at him.

"I don't want my little girl getting married either to be completely honest." he smiled. I slightly smiled back. My dad has always been easy to talk to. I've loved him more than my mom for as long as I can remember.

"You really love that boy don't you?" He asked bringing me out of my thoughts.
"Who?" I asked looking at two birds sitting on our willow tree.

"Eric Bradford," he said looking at me. I looked at my dad, how'd he know his name. Its like he read my mind. "He came up to me at the Lake House Barbecue and introduced himself. He had a firm handshake and everything. I liked him."

I smiled thinking about the Lake House Barbecue. "Yeah I love him. I've never felt this way about anyone." I said looking down.

"I could tell from the way he looked at you that he loves you too. Don't let me him go." He said getting up and walking back in the house.


"You're still in college right?" Joesph asked as he set the menu down. I nodded not looking up.

"What do you want to become?" He asked.

"A doctor. I've wanted to be a doctor for as long as I can remember," I said smiling. "What do you do?"

"I'm an entrepreneur. I started my business about two years ago and we're doing very well so far." He answered.

"That's great!" I said taking a sip of water.

"We'll get to know each other better soon and this won't be as awkward," he chuckled. His laugh reminded me of Eric's. I missed him so much. I smiled fakely.

"So what are your interests?" I asked. "I play golf sometimes, I used to play tennis and I love watching football and basketball." He said smiling.

At the end of our date as he drove me back to my parents house, I thought about us. If I wasn't in love with Eric I would fall for Joesph. He's smart, kind, and funny.

We got out of the car as he walked me to the door. "Thanks you for a great evening." I said politely, so politely that I even surprised myself.

"Yeah no problem, I had a great time with you," He smiled. It was kind of awkward because we were both just standing there in silence. "Goodnight," he said leaning in and giving me a peck on the lips. "Night," I said before walking in.

I waited for his car to leave before I walked out to my car. I didn't want to stay because my mom would ask how it went. I quickly left and drive home.

As I drove home I thought about today. I was someone's fiancé from now on. I would have to be in order to keep Eric out of trouble. If that's what it was worth then I'd do it.



I know I know everyone wants to choke me because I haven't updated in such a long time, I'm sorry!!!

But here it is!!!


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