Day Two, Part Four - Never have I ever...

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I sip the cool liquid, the sun was beginning to set and the view out was breathtaking. Someone clearing their throat behind me, brings me back to reality.
I turn to see Noah looking at me. With those gorgeous brown eyes, he gives me the look he used to give me the last time we were here, just before we'd sneak off for our secret rendezvous.

I swig the rest of my water and turn back to the sink to refill my glass.
Shit, I need to not be in this situation...

"Do you want some water?" I ask, turning back around.

I almost bumped into him, as he has moved closer to me. My breath hitches in my throat, as I feel Noah's warm breath so close to me.

"You look beautiful." Noah whispers. Placing a hand to the side of me, encasing me between him and the sink.


Luckily the rest of the islanders come loudly out of the villa, breaking the Noah spell I was falling back under. I swiftly slip out from being between the sink and his arms.
Nope! I've got to not be in these situations alone with him, as it would be so easy to fall back in to that pattern.

The others all seem excited about the text they'd received, telling us that we'd be playing a game called 'Never have I ever'.

Alcoholic drinks are made and we make our way around the firepit to begin the game. The seating arrangement is a little awkward as Talia makes a beeline for AJ, Noah sits on the far end with a straight look on his face and Chelsea and Miki sit either side of Levi, who is looking at me with a sorry look. I decided to not make drama as the game would surely bring it and sit myself between Genevieve and Tai.

"Who wants to go first?" Genevieve asks.

Bruno stands up. "Let's start this off fun, hmmm... Never have I ever sent a sexy text to the wrong person."

AJ, Noah, Tai and I drink. We all chuckle and explain who we'd accidentally text instead. Both Noah and Tai had sent it to their brother, whereas AJ had sent a text to an old school friend who had the same name as the person she was dating at the time. I tell them I actually sent it to my mum and she has never let me forget it.

After we have calmed down from the laughter, Bruno picks Genevieve to go next.
"Never have I ever had a one night stand."
AJ, Talia, Levi, Bruno, Tai, Will and I drink.

The game continues, there were a few tame ones - gotten a tattoo, broken a bone, drunk texted an ex, been cheated on.

Then came my turn, I wanted to turn the heat back up. "Never have I ever had sex in a car."

AJ and Bruno drink. I also take a drink, but I'm surprised more people haven't. I pick AJ to go next.

"Never have I ever had sex on the beach." She looks around to see who would drink.

Noah, Levi, Bruno, Genevieve, Tai and I drink. I meet AJ's eye when taking a sip, then wink at her. "We can soon change that if you like, so you can drink."

She blushes, giggling. I can see Talia is seething next to her as she grips her glass tighter.

The game continues with more rude ones. Had a threesome, been caught having sex, used a sex toy, been tied up, had phone sex, faked an orgasm. It seems that AJ and I drink for nearly all of them. So I'm feeling a little tipsy as we'd had to refill the glasses a couple of times. Each one is stronger than the next and I haven't drunk in a while.

"I'm gonna go get some nibbles, to soak up some of this alcohol." I say standing up.

The hear the game continues as I make my way to the kitchen. I rifle through the bottom cupboards looking for some crisps. I hear a clacking of high heel shoes coming up, but stay where I am as I continue looking for the ready salted ones.

"What are you doing?" Comes AJ's voice.

I back up out of the cupboard, bumping my head on the shelf in the process.

"Owww." I rub my head and kneel on the floor. "I'm trying to find the ready salted crisps, but all we have left are the prawn cocktail ones and I'm hungry." I pout.

She wanders off for a moment and then comes back to sit with me on the floor with her hand behind her back. I move to sit with my legs crossed besides her and we lean against the cupboards.

"Close your eyes, I got something for you." She says.

"Aww you got me something! You shouldn't have, I'm here with nothing to give back in return." I jest.

AJ taps her chin with her free hand. "Hmmm, that's true, I do need something in return for the amazing thing you are about to receive. How about a kiss?"

I chuckle. "Well, I guess that's a reasonable request."

I lean closer to AJ, and gently kiss her left cheek, then move to her right cheek. She shakes her head and points to her luscious lips with a small laugh.
I put my hand behind her neck and pull her close to me, our lips come together heatedly. The thing she had brought to me was forgotten about behind her as she uses both of her hands and tangles them in my hair.

Our lips explore one another, our hands roam on the outsides of each other's clothes. I know we should stop, but it just feels so good. It would be so easy to just slip my hand beneath her clothing and play with her perked nipple, to make her moan in pleasure.

Voices come closer from the distance, we instantly pull apart and freeze where we are sitting, listening to who it is coming this way.

"I'm sure Luna said she was coming to the kitchen." Comes Chelsea's voice on the opposite side of the kitchen counter.

Levi replies. "Perhaps she went to bed, it is getting late."

"Yeah I guess so. It was a good game though, I certainly learned some things about you that intrigued me." She chuckles.

"Haa, don't remind me. This is why those types of games are dangerous, you've got ammunition on me. Although you're not wrong, I also learned a few things that intrigued me too." Levi replies.

I sit there quietly, looking at AJ who is trying not to laugh out loud.

Their chatter gets fainter as they walk away from the kitchen and into the villa. I let out a breath of relief that they hadn't caught me and AJ in our compromising position.

We look at each other and then burst into laughter.

"That certainly was fun." AJ smirks. "Oh I almost forgot, here."

She hands me a packet of ready salted crisps.

"Wha?! How did you, where did you find them?" I ask.

"I may have a hidden stash somewhere, as you learn a thing or two from being here before." She winks.

"Thank you." I reply, opening the packet and eating one with a satisfying crunch.

I offer AJ the packet and she takes one. We finish the crisps and then get up to head into the villa to get ready for bed. We clean our teeth and get into comfortable PJ's.

AJ leaves a lingering kiss on the corner of my mouth after we dress for the night, before heading into the bedroom. "Night Luna."

"Night AJ." I whisper.

We make our way into the bedroom and I climb into the bed with Noah. My eyes watch as AJ gets in bed by herself.

"Oh there you are, we wondered where you'd gotten to." Noah says.

"Couldn't find the crisps I wanted." I say, wrapping myself in the cover. "I need to sleep this alcohol off, night Noah."

"Night Luna." He kisses my forehead, then rolls over to his side of the bed.

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