Chapter 691-710

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☆、Chapter 691 I will take you there

  Ji Jiujiu was surprisingly quiet. He seemed not as surprised as at first that Fengmu had guessed what he was thinking many times. Ji Jiujiu calmly accepted this fact and admitted it generously.

  "Well, it's obvious that Mirabell didn't want to hand over Jersey, so I wanted to go down and see for myself. I wanted to know what happened to Jersey, but I didn't know that Jersey was imprisoned. Where, this is the deep sea again. You know, I don't like water very much. Although I can swim, my water skills are not very good. I..."

  "I can help you, don't worry."

  Feng Mu's words were like a reassurance. It seemed that with Feng Mu around, there was nothing he couldn't do. This feeling was strange.

  It seemed that with Feng Mu by her side, she didn't have to worry about anything, and she subconsciously wanted to rely on Feng Mu.


  Ji Jiujiu's depressed face relaxed in an instant, and her bright eyes were full of hope.

  "When have I ever lied to you? Here."

  "What's this?"

 Ji Jiujiu looked curiously at a transparent bead in Fengmu's hand.

  "Don't you want to go into the sea? This is a water-proof bead. After eating it, you can walk freely in the water, just like on land."

  Feng Mu explained lightly.

  Ji Jiujiu looked surprised. Does such a thing really exist in this world?

  Is this thing really edible? Can't it just be worn on the body?

  This was what was said on TV and in scripts. Facing Fengmu's calm and even indifferent gaze, Ji Jiujiu swallowed the doubts in his stomach.

  Well, Feng Mu wouldn't lie to herself anyway, so it was better to look for Jersey first. Once that annoying mermaid Mirabell found out, it would be difficult to handle.

  Ji Jiujiu subconsciously did not call the queen, but directly called Mirabell's name, because Ji Jiujiu felt that Mirabell had tarnished such a noble word as the queen.

  Ji Jiujiu looked at the crystal clear water-proof beads placed in Fengmu's palm. Just looking at them made people want to collect them and not be willing to eat them.

  However, facing Feng Mu's burning gaze, Ji Jiujiu opened his mouth and swallowed the water-repellent drop.

  Well, it has no smell, just like ordinary glass beads.

  "Then what will they do?"

  Ji Jiujiu ate the water-avoiding beads and winked at Feng Mu.

  What should Tu Heng and Xuan Mo do?

  I don't know why, but Ji Jiujiu seems to have acquiesced in Xuan Mo's existence. When faced with Xuan Mo's occasional glances, although he won't look at each other, he won't escape too much.

  For example, at this time, Ji Jiujiu never thought about leaving Xuan Mo. Maybe in her heart, it was not really as she said. I don't know how to face other beastmen.

  She always felt that there were too many beastmen, which was unfair to others. After all, she only had one heart, and she was not a saint. Many times, it was really difficult to keep a bowl of water flat. She was afraid of hurting others and herself.

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