Chapter 1-10

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☆, Chapter 1 The Burnt Cat

  On a hot August day, people's hearts become restless, and even cats are the same!

  Ji Jiujiu stretched out his little paws lazily on the sofa, yawned lazily, and narrowed his round cat eyes!

  In such a hot weather, you should eat some dried fish to relieve yourself!

  Just looking at the empty rice bowl, Ji Jiujiu couldn't calm down anymore!

  Damn, have you finished eating the dried fish?

  Ji Jiujiu scratched the sofa with his little paws unhappily!

  Damn shit shoveler, he is afraid of gaining weight and restricts himself to eating every day. It is simply unbearable!

  Don't think she doesn't know there's a whole box of dried fish in the refrigerator!

  Thinking of the wonderful taste of dried fish, Ji Jiujiu meowed and his round cat eyes turned in a circle!

  A refrigerator, right?

  Do you really think she can't eat it?

  Shit shovelers are so naive!

  Is there anything she, the cat king, wants to eat that she can't eat?

  Fish-lipped humans!

  Ji Jiujiu quickly jumped from the sofa, and his round white body jumped to the top of the refrigerator. Then with a swipe of his fleshy little paw, the refrigerator door opened!

  Ji Jiujiu stretched out her little paws and rummaged around in the refrigerator. After a while, she held a box of unopened dried fish in her little paws!

  Tsk, the fish-lipped poop shoveler thinks she can't find him if he hides in the deepest part?

  Ji Jiujiu snorted arrogantly, threw the dried fish onto the sofa, and then the whole cat jumped onto the sofa lightly!

  Then she was seen extending her sharp claws extremely skillfully, and the box of dried fish was opened!

  She sniffed it intoxicatedly, meow, it smells so good!

  This is the taste!

  The reason why Ji Jiujiu is so chubby is simply because he is greedy and often eats all sorts of things when the poop shoveler is not at home!

  So a box of dried fish was eaten by Ji Jiujiu very quickly!

  After eating, she smacked her mouth open and scratched her face with her fleshy little paws!

  Ji Jiujiu said she is a clean cat!

  After eating the dried fish, the most important thing is to destroy the corpse and eliminate all traces!

  Ji Jiujiu quietly pushed the box containing the dried fish under the sofa, so unnoticed that the fish-lipped poop shovel wouldn't even notice what he had done!

  After eating, Ji Jiujiu decided to continue sleeping on the sofa, because eating and sleeping were her favorite things to do, bar none!

  But as soon as she assumed a comfortable posture and the whole cat curled up, she found that the originally sunny weather suddenly turned gloomy, and then a purple lightning lit up the entire sky!

  Ji Jiujiu trembled, thunder and other things were the most annoying thing, but this was not something he should care about, so he should continue to sleep!

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