chapter 4 okay...

Start from the beginning

Miyano was about to walk back down stairs when Sasaki grabbed his hand. "Hmm? What is it?" He crouched back down to his boyfriend. Sasaki then pulled him in for a little kiss. But the little kiss wasn't enough so he pulled him back in for a longer one. And about 3 more after that. Miyano giggled a little "Haha okay! I have to go make dinner now!" Sasaki smiled and let him go. They both walked their separate ways, Miyano to the kitchen, Sasaki to the bedroom.


Knock knock "Shuumei?" Sasaki looked up at the door "Yeah?" Miyano then opened the door a bit, standing in the door way, "Oh good you are awake, i just finished dinner if you want some!" Sasaki got up immediately "Yeah i'm starving actually" Down to the kitchen they went.

After they both settled down at the table with their plates, Miyano had a sudden thought, "Hey wait a minute!! Shuumei isn't there atleast someone at your bakery that has that girls number?? Why don't you just ask someone for it! I'm sure someone has it! She would have to be able to call out somehow if she ever needed to!" Sasaki just stared at him 'oh yeah... that's true..' "That's true, i'm sure someone does. I just don't know if i'd look creepy suddenly texting her like that. Asking someone else for her number just... Idk what if she thinks it's weird.." Miyano pondered this for a minute "Hmm well maybe you could just borrow someone's phone then? It's probably not as bad if you're borrowing someone's phone!" Sasaki pondered this "Yeah uh maybe Idk i'll ask someone tomorrow..."



Sasaki was staring at his reflection in the mirror, bracing himself for what he assumed was going to be another awful day at work. Or just an awful day in general. After getting ready, he kissed his boyfriend goodbye and was on his way to work.

When Sasaki arrived, it was his sister he saw when he first walked in. 'Would my sister have our employees number..?' Before he could even ask her a single thing she piled him with about 7 different tasks. He didn't have time to talk to anyone he was so busy prepping. He was on kitchen duty today so he hasn't seen many customers today.

It was 12:30PM and the bakery was getting slammed with customers right after they had just sent someone on break, sigh, of course. Sasaki sister came back to the kitchen to give her brother more orders "Shuu!! i need your help with some of these customers will you come out here for like five minutes?? Thanks!" 'Ugh. Of course. Man i really don't want to talk to people..' Sasaki braced himself for whoever he would have to deal with for the next five minutes and walked out to the lobby.

After taking a few of orders, he thought he was finally done talking to people until someone walked in. "Shuu can you get that? i need to get something from the back room, Thanks!!" '... fine i guess ill do it... its not like i have kitchen duty or anythi-' He looked up to see a girls face. No, not just some girl, THE girl. "Oh, Shuumei, it's you! how've you been after that week you worked?" 'WHAT THE HELL??' Sasaki had so many things he wanted to say to this girl he didn't even know where to start... 'huh... she seems to be doing fine... maybe i was worried about nothing. i felt so bad though.. i still do..'

"Y/N?? what are you doing here i thought you were moving? You know what- nevermind that i'm glad you're here actually, could you come outside with me if you've got a minute?" y/n stood there for a second a bit gobsmacked "Oh um sure! let's go" 'the wave of customers died down so it's not too busy right now and my sister should be back out soon...' but Sasaki really didn't care if a customer walked in he needed to get this apology off his shoulders before his guilt ate him up anymore.

"What did you want Shuumei?" y/n questioned as she had already forgotten about Sunday. "I really really wanted to apologize to you for what i said to you on Sunday. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that, i didn't know it was your last day at work either, i'm really sorry.." ... y/n was kinda surprised, she had no idea what she was being dragged outside for "Oh that!! ahaha no you're good! i forgave you that same day even tho i didn't get to say that to you. When i was leaving, as soon as i saw your name on the schedule for all 7 days i forgave you immediately because i assumed you just had a rough week!"

Now Sasaki was a little bit surprised 'this whole time she didn't even care...' "I mean yeah my week was long but that's really no excuse to yell at someone like that..." Sasaki said still kind of moping. "Well, the last question i was going to ask you that day was if you wanted me to stick around for another 15 minutes because the next employee called in saying she was going to be late. It wasn't a big deal or anything!" Sasaki now felt worse. "Oh yeah that girl was late- wait that just makes me feel worse! you just wanted to help me... i'm so sorry.." 'god i'm so mean...'

"No!! no it's fine i wasn't trying to make you worry! i just thought you might have been curious to hear what it was, seems like you've been thinking about the whole situation these past few days. Haha i forgot about it the next day, I promise you didn't hurt me!" Sasaki sighed with a bit of relief "... Okay, thats good... what did you come here for anyway?" y/n suddenly remembered "OH YEAH i just wanted to buy some stuff from here before i moved, i like the stuff here!" she said smiling. "Alright, i'll ring you up, let's go back inside."

"Thanks shuumei!". "Yeah, no problem, hope your move goes well."


Time to go home. He could finally come home happy and not have to worry about anything. He could finally come home and not have his boyfriend worry about what happened to him. He could finally come home with good news. He felt lighter. He opened the front door, no hesitating, no shaking, no frown upon his face. He was happy.

Of course, as soon as he walks in, Miyano comes right over. Not only because he always greets Sasaki but he has been curious about his situation with the girl, Miyano wanted to know if he got to resolve it. "Shumei!!" Miyano gave him a big hug. They stayed like that for a minute. "How'd it go? did you get ahold of her? oh um welcome home by the way!" Sasaki tried not to laugh "I did it. i didn't even have to get ahold of her by phone, she came in the store as a customer. turns out she moves tomorrow and just wanted some of the stuff from our bakery before she left. i kinda dragged her outside as soon as i saw her haha."

Miyano gave him a smile "Oh that's great! i'm so glad you finally got to resolve that i felt so bad seeing you so depressed like that.." Miyano said looking away. "Ahh i'm sorry for worrying you. But it turns out she didn't even care. she forgot about it all the next day meanwhile i was over here worrying about it everyday... she said she forgave me immediately because she saw my name for everyday on the schedule when she was leaving..." Miyano looked back at him "Oh! you didn't have to apologize for that! i told you before, worrying about you just means that i care! You're totally fine! Do you wanna help me make some dinner?" Sasaki immediately stopped him "how about I make dinner and YOU relax? you've cooked enough the past like 5 days. It's my turn."

"O-oh um sure okay! but i'm bored so i'm still gonna sit in the kitchen with you.." This made Sasaki smile 'he's so cute' "Haha alright let's go"


"Okay... i will say i've missed your cooking." Miyano admitted. "Hey your meals were really good too! i guess we've both become great cooks" Sasaki smiled and looked at his boyfriend. "Yeah you've got an advantage in baking though.." Miyano said almost whining. "Yeah i guess you're right... anyway, why don't you head upstairs and i'll take care of these dishes real quick okay?" Sasaki suggested. "If you insist" Miyano didn't think twice. No one likes doing the dishes.


"Any movies or shows you wanna watch tonight Yoshi?". Miyano had to think for a second, "Hmmmm maybe in a bit, i kinda just wanna lay down for now..."

lay down for now...


A/N HEHEHHEHE i hope you enjoyed the girls name reveal LMAO. uhh sorry if you're not a girl and you're reading this, i came up with that idea in the middle of the chapter because it seemed funny to me 😅. the next chapter will finally be the reason i started this story in the first place 😭😭😭 i did not mean for the story to be this dragged out lmao

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