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Ziggy lowers the bucket she used for Sheila's prank into the toilet in the Outhouse.

"Just get on! We're pulling you up!" She instructs. Cindy and Alice chuckle excitedly.


"Dude, oh my God," Alice sighs, relieved.

"You first," Cindy says to her fellow counselor. Alice awkwardly straddles the bucket and looks up at Ziggy. The redhead retreats from the toilet.

"Now!" She instructs. She and Gary begin pulling Alice up, with Gary doing most of the work. Alice gasps as she rubs against the rock wall, trying her best to help push herself up. Cindy watches from below, hoping their plan will work. Gary and Ziggy make quick work of hauling the girl up, "Come on, keep pulling!"

Just as they are about halfway up, the door to the Outhouse creaks open. Gary turns to the sound, "Tommy!"

Ziggy turns at the mention of the boy. He's covered in blood and has a blank stare. Gary doesn't realize that he is the killer, "Tommy, what are you doi...."

Tommy swings his ax and completely decapitates Gary. Ziggy screams and backs away from Tommy, dropping the rope and Alice. Gary's head goes into the toilet along with his body. Alice drops to the ground and Gary's body lands on top of him.

"Ah!" Both girls scream at the headless body. In the Outhouse, Tommy swings his ax at Ziggy, which she fortunately dodges. She slips past him and leaves the Outhouse.

She takes off running while Cindy screams for her, wondering if she's still alive.

Ziggy continues to run, checking behind her every so often. She gasps when she runs into Charlie.

"Hey, hey, it's me," Charlie says.

"He's here!" Ziggy replies quickly, "The killer!"

"Shit. Come on," Charlie replies. She grabs Ziggy's hand and the two run off to the Science and Nature Hall. Ziggy runs in and Charlie locks the door. The redhead hides behind one of the lab tables, with Charlie joining her.

"Did we lose him?" Ziggy asks.

"Yeah, I think so. Are you ok? Are you hurt?" Charlie asks frantically, noticing all of the blood spatters on Ziggy's face and body.

"It's not my blood. It's Gary's," She answers. She looks down at Charlie's swollen ankle, "What happened?"

"I twisted my ankle. I'm fine," The brunette answers frantically, "Ziggy, I have to tell you something. I found——"

Before Charlie can finish her sentence, the Mess Hall bell rings.

"The bell," She says, "We have to get out of here."

"I can't leave yet, my sister's still here," Ziggy replies.

"Where is she?"

"In the toilet."

Charlie raises her eyebrows.

"It's a long story, I—-"

Before Ziggy can finish her sentence, Tommy pounds on the door. The girls freeze in place. Then a hand bursts through the front window and unlocks the door. The girls scramble to move farther away from the front of the room.

Ziggy shakes with each thump of Tommy's boots. Charlie squeezes the redhead's hand in her own, holding on for dear life. Charlie almost yelps when Tommy uses his ax to break the glass snake tank. The girls scoot closer together, pressing themselves together as their hearts beat wildly.

Ziggy gasps when she sees the snake slithering toward her. Charlie turns the girl's chin toward her own, "Don't look, it's okay." She mouths to Ziggy. The redhead cries a little but keeps quiet.

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