Chapter 25 -So we add 'serial killer' to the mix of unpleasant names I call him

Start from the beginning

"Axel... what the hell are you talking about?" He looked at me like he really didn't know what I was referring to.

"Dad... I... I need you to be honest with me."

"For the love of God, just spit it out." He said, a little agitated.

"Did... did you ever...kill people?" I asked, the pain in me materializing into anger.

He looked shocked for a mere second, before he masked it again with the same stoic stare.

"What makes you say that?"

Is this man serious?

"Can you for once, answer my question without giving me the run around that you always do? Did you or did you not kill people?" 

I don't even know why I was asking him when I knew Sophia wouldn't lie about something like this.

He sighed.

"I did some terrible things in the past that I am not really proud of." 

He didn't look phased in the slightest.

"Oh my God." I felt my heart beats in my ear. "What is the matter with you? How are you not in jail?"

I got off my bed and started pacing around my room.

"You need to understand that I had to make some tough decisions, in order to protect this family. My family that...."

"No! None of the shit you did was to protect us. You did that to protect yourself. You're a coward- and you would rather kill people than face the consequences."

"Enough! I will not stand for this disrespect, especially not when I don't even know what it is you're referring to. You may not like me much, which is something I'm working very hard to change, but I will not stand for this. Now, sit down, and slowly explain what the hell it is you mean."

I had to take two deep breaths to compose myself. I sat on the chair across from him.

"Oh, you want to be specific -- sure. Fifteen years ago, you ordered a hit on a family working in the air force..."

I watched his eyes, the sudden realization that he masked again with a blank stare. 

Damn, Sophia was right. Of course she is, my girl is smart.

"I'm sorry, 'ordered a hit'? What do I look like, the Russian mafia? Don't be so rash, my boy." He laughed a sort of maniacal, humorless laugh.

Oh so that's how he wants to play it.

I remember Sophia wanting to show me evidence about what he did, so I know for a fact that he did it.

"Be rash? No, sir. I have evidence, and I will do everything in my power to make sure you end up in jail for hurting the one person I truly care about."

He looked at me with calculating eyes, like he was trying to tell if I was truthful or not.

He sighed. 

"Okay, I'm going to tell you, but not because I'm afraid of your meaningless, empty threats. No. Because that was the time I promised myself and your mother that I would leave the life of crime behind..."

Mom knew of this crap? What the hell is this family. I took out my phone and pretended to do something, when in fact I was turning on the recording. He messed with the wrong girl.

I didn't want to get back to her until I have enough proof, and I know I will get it as long as I continue playing the role of the obedient son.


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