With two packets of brown sugar and a large piece of meat, Du Yuchen planned to leave, and when he was about to reach the mouth of the fort, he saw a vendor carrying a straw handle and selling sugar gourds.

He thought about it, a string of coaxing a little broken child, a string for someone, and I don't know if she likes to eat sugar gourds

Thinking of someone, Du Yuchen couldn't help but smile, and asked the vendor to wrap the sugar gourds

in clean oil paper, and his ears gradually turned red.

With the things he bought, Du Yuchen hit the horse to the Hetian Juntun and rushed to the mouth of the tunzi, Du Yuchen saw a litter of children frolicking in the tunzi, and he didn't see an adult at all, he still felt a little strange in his heart, but thinking that the autumn harvest was imminent, the adults were busy and it was reasonable, so he didn't think much about slowing down and continued to beat the horse forward.

I wanted to ride a horse to the door of the house directly from the side, safely past this group of hairy children, but before I took a few steps out of the horse, the crisp shouts of the hairy children came from behind me.

"Xiaorui, Xiaorui, isn't that person your brother Xiaorui, look at it, your brother is back, and he is still carrying a piece of meat from the boss, Xiaorui, Xiaorui, look at it"

Du Yuchen looked for the sound, and saw that the sideburns that ran away were messy, and the little girl with familiar eyebrows and eyes was pulled by several children.

"Xiaorui, look, it's really your brother"

A little boy took Du Xinrui's little arm with one hand, and pointed to himself who was looking back at them not far away.

was playing with officers and soldiers to fight, and finally became an officer and soldier who caught thieves, and Du Xinrui, who was catching thieves, was pulled by her friends, and the little girl frowned and pouted in displeasure.

"Oh, he's coming, he's not coming to me anyway" "What Xiaorui what are you talking about", Du Xinrui muttered in a low voice in the second half of the sentence, and the partners around her didn't hear it clearly, so they hurriedly probed to get to the bottom of it, "Xiaorui, what did you just say"

The little partner's question made Du Xinrui even more impatient, "Oh, it's so annoying, do you still want to play"

Du Xinrui is the eldest at home, her second child, although in front of her father, her cousin will always snatch her second position, but who calls her cousin is also a minister under her skirt, cough cough, uh, no, whoever calls her cousin herself says that she has been deeply impressed by her own cuteness.

So, the little fan group that has grown up is the overlord at home, and she is also the king outside, I don't see the whole military tun, among the children who can play freely, she is the only female doll, and these male dolls, no matter how big or small, are all based on her horse's head, which makes the little broken child's temper grow.

The little ones saw Du Xinrui's little face, and one by one hurriedly said that they were playing, they must play, only a few greedy babies, looking at Du Yuchen holding that big piece of huge meat in his hand and swallowing saliva, couldn't help but muttered enviously.

"Xiaorui, you are so happy, your brother brings you delicious food every month, either sugar or meat, Xiaorui, don't you really hurry up to eat meat at home, that's meat wow", it is meat that they rarely eat twice a year.

Du Xinrui, my family eats meat

every day The little guy who secretly slandered

himself in his heart couldn't help but roll his eyes, "If you don't play, I'll go."

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora