Chapter 10: burn rubber

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the far back of Lilth's castle with sparks and clanks matched bangs whack ands kaclangs that sounding like big pile metal pipes in a melody that could be described as tragedy, but luckily it wasn't that bad it was the tiny room where rabbid bowse kept his rabbid clown car and all its unremarkable glory, this little ride may be unassuming but with this an unused model  from the real genuine article being scraped because an inability to stay afloat in the air for long time sticking mostly to car functions. rabbid bowser had his jacket tied around his waist and black tank top with spray-painted flames on it and one of his favorite songs playing on his headphones; he was getting hands/paws dirty trying to tinker with the device to give it the upgrade it needed to take on his enemies. Unfortunately, while the young prince prided himself as a connoisseur of all things villainy, machinery on this level wasn't his strong suit with them soon wondered with just smacking the contraption with wrech would work. he sung the words to himself as he worked, what that song is ill leave it up to your imagination. as he banged on the table like drums being lost in his own little mind only to be rudely snapped back to reality by his mother looking at his car in worse shape then when they found it  not knowing she was sitting back there the whole time "are you sure you know what you're doing? i can try and help if you want" she asked which rabbid bowser  told her in awkward smile that it was fine and that  he definlty had this covered. the car was in desperate need of actual professional help, and it took a few more failures for rabid browser to give and ask for help, Lilith was able to get it back running, but it was clear it needed repair and suggested heading to the city a few waterpipes away from here. they both got in and headed to the city in question with the stench of car gas fueling the air as they got closer to their destination.  the plan was to go in and out as quickly as they could but get anything done in that town was going to be a real chore, they soon got out the pipe after an hour of warping becuase no one bothers to label the things. the sky turned gray as they drove inside the city revealing neon lights and flashing imagery of the flaming despot appearing like propaganda. the two drove down the rainy streets and took in the lights and sounds while being like something out the future, as they looked for someplace to stop it seemed like this entire place was some sort of monument to bowser plus the paratroopers patrolling the skies at all times. it seemed like it went on forever "this must be neo bowser city, bowser's most desolate territory" Lilth  said as tried to focus on the task at hand. soon the flying forces swooped down at the two and suroued them with glares in there eyes asking there buniess here "were just here to get this car fixed before breaks down, so can you please let go time is money and MY time is liquid gold" rabbid bowser said making the paratrooper growl before staring at him for while and pulling out there phones "are you the one who tried to push lord bowser in lava?" which the the lava queen tried to cover her son's mouth but it was too late as said "guilty as charged, ill be accepting your praise now" and it only being a whole ten seconds before he realized what  he just did. the prince hit the gas as hard he could before the troops could give chase with the  breeze flew on his face with the lava queen lost her cool at how fast they were going "okay have i taught you to handle a highspeed chase before!?" which rabbid bowser shook his head no "well then now better than never EYES ON THE ROAD DANG IT!" she shouted as they made a hard left leaving skid marks as the paratrooper's gave chase.  they had the advantage due to flight, so rabid browser was just going crazy behind the wheel, going up and down and all around the city as he was guided by Lilth, "Take a left and pray the item boxes are still here," but that wasn't going to happen soon. Rabbid Boswer had his hearing beating and adrenaline pumping in his veins but one look back down would tell you that his ride couldn't take much more the lava queen clapped her hand making a large smoke screen as they  made there get away.  finally, off the road, they finally found a place to repair the car slowly parking there only to find it empty and abandoned, making both stomps in frustration and complain, rabbid bowser searched for anything of use only find a door that was locked. after asking lilth to punch it down  it reveled a small staircase going down into a shop that  was lit but the people inside look like they had seen better days. the queen asked if what happened down here with shy guys in dirty outfits and sracthes on there masks with told awhile story on its own "dont worry  you can trust us where just here to fix our ride" but rabbid bowser took a look at the shy guys in front of him and it reminded of himself before the lilth took them in. the prince didnt want his evil image to be ruined, so he struck a deal with them: "Help us and while destory toos avian cowards, do we have a deal?" he asked which one shy guy shook his hand as the others went up topside to fix their car as the lava queen cracked her knuckles ready for action

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