Volume 5

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After Gus leaves this restaurant on a windy Saturday morning, he feels full and satisfied from his hearty breakfast. He spots an old female friend of his walking towards him along the Fulton Street shopping area. She is accompanied by a young man who could be her son. He recalls her name and greets her, "ANGIE, ANGIE!" She looks around wondering, she recognizes the voice and she sees Gus smiling. She says, "I don't believe it! It's been a long time! Gus, I haven't seen you in ages, how long has it been, eighteen years?" Gus replies, "It's been so long, I don't know if I can remember, but it's good to see you again, maybe we could sit down for a cup of coffee and reminisce. So, where have you been, what happened, I been looking here and there for you, since I been out of the slammer." Angie explains, "Gus, I don't know how to tell you this, but I moved on with my life while you were in prison. I met someone else, Steve Palmer, and we got married. We moved away and had four children, two boys and two girls." Gus says, "Congratulations is in order and this here must be your oldest son and he is a handsome young man. Put it here young man (Angie's son shakes Gus's hand), your mom and I used to be pair before I screwed up. My name is Gus Henderson, but you can call me Gus and yours?" "My name is Darryl," Says Angie' oldest and Angie is watching with concern. She tells her son, "Darryl, would you please excuse us, while Gus and I talk." Gus asks, "What's wrong, Angie? All the boy and I did was shake hands." She says, "No that's not it, I have something important to tell you." "Okay what is it?" Replied Gus with Angie continuing, "Darryl is not Steve's son. He is your biological son, Gus. I was already pregnant with him when you went to prison for robbing that liquor store. Steve adopted him and raised him as his own." Gus is speechless and ecstatic. He looks at Darryl and turns to Angie with a question, "How old is he?" Angie replies, "Eighteen." He walks up to Darryl and examines him from head to toe. Darryl feels curious and is about to inquire, Gus tells him, "Darryl listens young man, I have something important to tell you. Don't get mad, ballistic, scared or excited son." Gus said while taking a breather then telling Darryl. "Your mom and I used to be a couple and we would have gotten married 'til I screwed up, got arrested and wound up doing some serious time. I learned my lesson, and was freed out of prison for five years. During my incarceration upstate, she moved on, had you and married yo step-dad Steve, you do know Steve is your step-dad?" Darryl nods his head up and down saying "yes." However, he is confused with Gus continuing, "Darryl (looking him and the eye), I am your father, I am your real daddy and I know it's going take a while to clarify this situation, Darryl. So, what do you say?" Darryl watches his mom and she nods yes and he eyes Gus with respect, Gus asks Angie, "Listen Angie, I want to know if I can take my son to lunch? So, I could really get to know him." She says, "I don't see why not, but it's up to Darryl." Gus asks, "So, what do say Darryl, this is the best day in my life." Darryl replied, "Okay Gus, I mean my real Pops." Gleaming, Gus says, "Pops. Now you are making me cry. So, what will it be my son, pick your choice, my treat, spare no expenses, this is one of the proudest moments of my life." Angie is watching Gus and her son stroll down the street in conversation, she smiles and sheds tears of joy. She knows this is one of those moments she will always remember and cherish, never forgetting. Gus and Darryl continued their walk and talk. Gus tells him, "Let me give you another piece as advice, if you see a beautiful woman, make sure she is a she and not a him." Darryl says, "A drag queen, a transvestite pop." Gus replies, "Yep and that's right and let me tell you something else." As Gus and son walk down the street talking some more.

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