At restaurant,

As the server brought their meals to the table, Khushi beamed with excitement. "I can't believe how well the interior work is going, Arnav. Shyam has been a huge help. I'm so grateful for his expertise."

Arnav nodded absentmindedly, his mind still occupied with the troubling issue of the MMS and the blackmailer. He twirled the food on his plate, unable to muster an appetite. Should he tell Khushi about what was happening?

He knew she would be deeply hurt and upset, and he didn't want to see her in pain. But he also couldn't keep something of this magnitude from her.

"Arnav, is everything okay?" Khushi's voice disrupted his thoughts.

He looked up, forcing a smile. "Of course, everything's fine," he replied, even though his tone gave away his underlying anxiety.

Khushi studied him for a moment, concern evident in her eyes, but she didn't push the issue. Instead, she changed the subject, filling the air with chatter about the latest developments with the project and the plans for their upcoming vacation.

Arnav tried to focus on her words, but the weight of the secret was heavy on his mind. Should he confide in Khushi, or handle the situation on his own? As the dinner continued, he remained torn, struggling to find a solution that wouldn't bring further distress to the woman he loved.

Khushi could sense something was amiss with Arnav. His usual easygoing demeanor was replaced with a distant and troubled expression. As they continued to talk, she finally couldn't hold back Khushi could feel the tension emanating from Arnav, his usually charming smile replaced by a furrowed brow and furtive glances at his phone. Concerned, she gently asked, "Arnav, is there something on your mind? You seem really preoccupied.",

Arnav finally decided to reveal the Truth to will be nasty if he gets to know this from other side
"Khushi, you remember when we were in Goa,the day when you got kidnapped.. after rescuing you..."
"You realise your love for me " khushi replied with smiles.

Before Arnav could respond, his phone vibrated on the table, startling them both. He glanced at the caller ID and felt a pang of dread as he saw the familiar, unlisted number of the blackmailer. He quickly silenced the phone, hoping Khushi hadn't noticed.

However, before he could say anything, the phone rang again. With a tight jaw, he answered and put it to his ear, trying to block Khushi from hearing the conversation.

"Listen to me carefully," the voice on the other end hissed, "If you even think about telling her, there will be serious consequences."

Arnav's heart raced and he stole a quick glance at Khushi, who was observing him with concern. Khushi watched as Arnav's expression turned grim. She could sense his distress as he listened to the voice on the other end of the line. When the call ended, Arnav quickly pocketed his phone and stood up, his eyes scanning the area as if searching for something..

Arnav, what's going on?" Khushi pressed, her worry deepening. But before he could respond,

He needed to act quickly. He murmured an excuse to Khushi and dashed towards the nearest exit. Once outside, he began scanning the surroundings, searching for any sign of the person on the other end of the line.

Left alone, Khushi felt a knot of apprehension tightening in her chest. She watched as Arnav disappeared from view, completely baffled by his sudden departure and the unsettling atmosphere he left behind. The unease lingered, and she couldn't shake the feeling that something significant and troubling was unfolding before her eyes.

Arnav's eyes darted across the dimly lit restaurant, scanning the faces of the diners with a sense of urgency. He could feel the weight of the situation pressing on him, compelling him to find the person who had been tormenting him for so long.

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