"Zack, call Tyler. Tell him Sam's having a hypo and we're treating, but we want his advice, too," I said. "Sarah, grab her glucagon. Let's get one in."

Sarah jumped up and ran into Sam's bathroom, and started to prepare the shot. It was a kit that came mostly ready to go. We just mix the solution in the syringe into the powder in the bottle, shake it up, make sure it's clear draw it up and inject. It's like concentrated sugar that you put in under the skin. Like when injecting insulin.

She was back in mere moments and I got an alcohol wipe and cleaned a spot on Sam's abdomen, pinched the skin and injected the solution into her.

"Bren, Ty," Zack said.

"Hey Ty. Just wanted to let you know Sam's here safe, but it seems she just had a hypo. The alarm went off and she was reading in the teens."

"Wow," Tyler said. "Any idea what happened? Did she eat her dinner on the plane? I know she usually tries, but doesn't like it. Did you ask her if she was hungry?"

"I did," Zack said. We were on speakerphone. "She said the dinner was relatively edible, and she wasn't hungry. Did she eat okay when she was home?"

"Yeah. She ate fine. Except for the few days she was sick, obviously. Did she say she wasn't feeling well? Or just that she wasn't hungry?"

"She said she wasn't hungry. I asked if she felt okay, knowing she'd just been sick, and she said she felt fine, thank you," Zack smiled.

"Huh. Well, she should start to wake up in a few minutes if she didn't drop too low just before the glucagon. Wait! Did you give her glucagon?" Tyler fussed—such a Papa Bear.

"Of course," I said.

"I made up one kit and took out a second one in case," Sarah said.

"Okay, good. Of course, you did. Sorry. Just hard when I can't be right there," Tyler said.

"Mama?" a tiny voice said from the bed. I turned around, and Sam's eyes were fluttering open, and she was looking around, confused.

"Sorry, sweetheart. It's Uncle Brendon and Aunt Sarah. How're you feeling?" I asked, turning to Sam and leaning over her.

"My head hurts. What happened?"

"Well, I thought..." I started.

"Hey! You thought I was drunk!" Samantha said, sitting up and crossing her arms, pushing mine away. "Do you really think after how that felt and how I was feeling - how I was letting myself feel, that I could come here again and get drunk?"

"Well," I said. "We hadn't gotten synced back to your CGM so we didn't get any notifications. Why didn't you notice?"

Samantha frowned at me, then picked up her phone. It was dead. I smirked at her.

"Sorry," she said, sheepishly. And then she frowned, and looked up at me and Sarah.

"And I'm really sorry about what happened before I went home. I talked to Mom and Dad and to Doc and I'm gonna talk to my doctor here about it. But it kind of had to do with what,"

I interrupted her.

"We know. Your dad told us what you told them. It made a lot more sense because that was so not like you. I hated the thought that maybe you were trying to take advantage of us, thinking we'd let it slide. And while I understand why you drank so much, I don't regret the consequences I set out for you."

"I do and I don't. They sucked but I definitely do not want to feel like that again," Samantha said.

I pulled her into a hug.

"We're so glad you're back, that you're okay, and hey, I hear the case went well, too."

Samantha nodded.

"To quote our lawyer, he pretty much shot himself in the foot the whole time."

"Sounds painful," I said. Samantha rolled her eyes

"I'm sorry we didn't come pick you up," I said to her.

"It's okay," Sam said. "You guys have lives and stuff."

"You weren't upset?" I asked.

"I was. And then Zack said you'd texted a bunch of times and I hadn't gotten any, but then he realized my phone was still in airplane mode. They allllll came through after," Samantha laughed.

"So, what about this low? What happened? Did you eat on the plane?"

"Yeah. Most of it, actually. It wasn't... too horrible. I'm still getting over that infection I had at home, and I guess I maybe bolused a little too much for my dinner? I don't know," she frowned. "Because it's been a while since I've had a low like that."

"Sam?" We heard from the bed. Sam looked quizzically at her hip.

"Dad?" She said. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"I forgot you were on the phone, Ty," I laughed.

"Sam? How are you feeling, sweetheart?" Ty asked as I picked up my phone.

"I'm okay, Dad. Uncle Brendon, Aunt Sarah and Uncle Zack helped. I've got a headache, but that's normal. I'm gonna go have a snack, okay?"

"Okay. Just keep an eye on your sugar, okay?"

"I will. Sorry we scared you," Sam said. She hated when she made anyone worry.

"It's alright honey. I'm glad you had the low at home, and that you had people there to help. Do you feel like you need the hospital?"

"No," Sam frowned. "I think I'm okay. I'll see after my snack. I'll text you, okay?"

"Okay, sweetheart. Have a good night. I'll talk to you later."

Sam smiled as I hung up after saying goodbye to Tyler.

"Alright," I said.  "Think you feel up to getting up and going downstairs?"

"I think so," Samantha said. I got off her bed and she hung her legs off the bed and sat for a minute."

"Take your time, sweetheart," Sarah said to her.  "We're right here if you need us."

Samantha smiled up at Sarah as she stood up. She was a little shaky, so we were careful to stay close by. Her sugar was still a little low and she said she'd have some juice with her snack as we helped her manoeuvre downstairs, being careful to make sure she didn't fall.

In the kitchen, I poured her some apple juice and we sat and stood around the kitchen island while Sam had a piece of bread with peanut butter and a glass of apple juice. We went into the living room when she was done and sat around chatting while she waited to see if her sugar went up high enough for us all to feel comfortable with her going to bed. We checked all our phones and saw everyone was synced to the local time. And Sam was on our wifi.

She apologized again for what she had said about Jess. She felt really bad about that, she said.

"I don't know, it's not like you've ever really compared me to her other than something coincidentally similar. Like our birthdays. I'm so, so sorry. I guess maybe, I was feeling so hurt, I just wanted to make someone else feel as bad as I did? I'm really sorry, again. It was mean and I shouldn't have said it."

"It's alright, sweetie," Sarah said, pulling Sam into her arms. "I understand. It did hurt, but I do understand. We understand."

Samantha smiled sheepishly. I knew she'd never invoke Jessie's name intentionally. But she was upset and needed to lash out. It was a poor choice, but I think she punished herself enough. Sarah and I had already agreed to just let it go. She apologized and that was good enough for us.

After a short while, maybe half an hour, Sam checked her sugar, saw it was within range, showed us and then told us she was tired and was going to bed.

She gave us hugs, went upstairs and we sat and chatted with Zack for a while until we were tired, too, and sent him home.

Leave The City (Book 8 of Adopted by the Josephs)Where stories live. Discover now