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It was silence. Not even birds chirped. Arctic thought it was kind of terrifying, how silent it was. What made it more weird was the fact that she swore she saw shadows in the woods.

"Let's, ah.... Hurry up a bit." Arctic murmured as she shifted Nova's position on her shoulders. The 7th grader was bleeding out of her head. Kenji nodded and the group moved a bit quicker. Arctic kept getting this odd sense of danger. She replayed the scene of the crash and realized. The bus had been flipped... and it crashed into something on the road, so a tree didn't cause it.

"Something isn't right.." Arctic thought to herself, eyeing each of the other students before eyeing the woods. Nova, still slumped on Arctic's back, began to gain back her consciousness. Nova opened her eyes slowly, her head seemingly paining her greatly.

"Hey, you're awake. Are you feeling alright?" Nathan took Nova off of Arctic's back and carried her himself.

"Not... really." Nova muttered, gingerly touching her head. Arctic watched Nova with a look of pity. She then stopped and doubled over, clutching her head.

The overwhelming sense of danger throbbed in her head, telling her to MOVE. Arctic grabbed Nathan and Abby's arms and pushed Kenji and Akari forwards quickly. Nova seemed to look up. Arctic wondered if she had the same feeling the others didn't seem to have, but didn't ponder on it for long. The moment they all moved, a large branch fell and hit the ground where Nathan was a few seconds before.

"Jesus... is everyone okay.?" Arctic had shaky breathing, and she kept staring at the branch that just fell. If she hadn't sensed the danger, Nathan and Nova would be dead.

This place seemed to be an area of constant danger. Arctic was convinced something was after them. Or, to be specific, her. The road seemed to be never ending, but after at least an hour of walking, the highway could be seen.

"Possible freedom?" Nathan spoke with a hopeful tone, and with a little humor that got a giggle out of everyone. "Looks like it." Arctic replied, excited to be out of this hellhole.

However, as they waited, she couldn't help but wonder about what she and Nova could have. Powers? Unlikely. Luck? Too close, but possible. Arctic hated to think of it, but it was possible she had abilities.

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