Anti-Venom:What does that armor do again?
Bakugo:It makes me stronger and tougher, combined with my new technique which makes faster,I've become much stronger!I'm not going to stay behind you forever...Izuku.
Bakugo puts his fist up as...Izuku returns the gesture.
Vlad king:Before we start,we have another student joining us today.
A familiar,purple haired student walks into the field.

A familiar,purple haired student walks into the field

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Shinso:It's been a while.
Vlad king:Shinso here wants to be in the hero course.We're having him on two different teams of both sides to properly evaluate him. The rules are simple,lock your enemies up in a jail,the team with least of their own members in jail wins.
The matches start and progress.Eventually,it's Bakugo's turn.Before the match starts.He rallies his team.he gives them small grenades.
Kacchan:Listen,when you're in danger,I'll save you.In return,you guys save me.
The team agrees and gets to work.But there instantly ambushed by the team of class1-B students,Togaru cuts metal pipes down as there glued together by kojiro.But they're all destroyed as Bakugo uses combustion.He effortlessly closes the distance on Togaru and takes him down as Sato and Jirou take Kojiro down.Sato had knocked awase out.The last one left is Setsuna.She prowls and floats around and starts retracting her body parts as she notices object were attached to her with...tape? Suddenly there are multiple explosions as Sero wraps his tape around her now completely formed body.He then drags her back to a jail before she starts to split,but she's distracted as Jirou hits her with a small sound blast,Its only enough to stop her splitting before she's locked up in jail.It's then Izuku's turn as he's paired up with Uraraka,Mina,and mineta.Shinso has been put on class 1-B against him.The match starts as items suddenly start floating around them and then start charging towards them at high speeds.Everyone except for Izuku dodges. The projectiles bent and broke the metal pipes they hit.Against Anti-Venom however,it was the projectiles themselves that broke.
Yui:Damn!I didn't think he was that tough. Those were metal wrenches and lumps!
Reiko:Midoriya's spooky isn't he?

 Those were metal wrenches and lumps!Reiko:Midoriya's spooky isn't he?Suddenly-

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Anti-Venom:Honestly,I think so too.
The two female students pass out from the pain.As the rest of his team decides to look around for the enemy,Anti-Venom gestures them to come back.
Anti-Venom:Shinso is dangerous,but...I know where he is.
Anti-Venom:I have sensory powers too.And Monoma-
He points to the upper level to their left.
Anti-Venom:Is right there.
I'll go deal with him,while you guys take down Monoma,then we take them all to jail.
The team agrees and puts the plan together. Mineta,uraraka and Mina will full on charge against Monoma in an assault,while Izuku goes for Shinso.Then they meet back at their current spot.They then part.Monoma looks around the corner and doesn't see anybody,he keeps on looking around but then he sees his teammates.He knows it's a trap,but is confident that he can easily escape.He doesn't exactly need his teammates anymore,he has all their quirks now.He decides to pretend to fall for the trap,little did he know what the trap actually was.As soon as he steps on the lower level,the spot he stepped on dissolves as he starts to fall.Before he can react,he falls into a net of pop off balls.He can't move and is completely stuck.Shinso sees anti-venom has his back turned and uses his device,it's a device that can change his voice.He changes it to uraraka's.
Shinso(uraraka's voice):Hey,I got Monoma!
Shinso switches his voice back and tries to use his quirk.He then steps out.
Shinso:Follow me.
Anti-Venom was silent,he walked towards Shinso and then he leaned in close to his face.
Anti-Venom:Or what?
Anti-Venom:Right,you never got to use it on ME,so you wouldn't know.But I'm immune to mental attacks.
The beast punches Shinso so hard that he knocks him out cold.Like that,class 1-A wins.
Class continues until-
Aizawa:Alright,we were going to get to this earlier in the year,but NOW we're finally going to pick your hero names.
Midnight steps in,flaunting herself.
Midnight:And I will help you!
Everyone's given boards and must write their hero names,then receive feedback.Everyone steps up and has some good names,but Mina's and Bakugo's are rejected.Iida takes the name "ingenium" from his retired brother.Shoto simply picks "Todoroki".Izuku steps up to reveal his name.
Izuku:The lethal protector,Anti-Venom!
His name is approved.After schools ends,he's chilling with uraraka when a very welcome surprise comes.

Eri:Midoriya!Izuku:Oh hi eri!What are you doing here?Mirio:She wanted to come see you

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Izuku:Oh hi eri!What are you doing here?
Mirio:She wanted to come see you.
Uraraka:Aw who's this little muffin?
Eri:I-I'm eri.
Uraraka:Awww hi eri!I'm Ochako uraraka. We're watching a movie,wanna come?
Eri nods and comes to the couch and sits between the couple in the middle.

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