The tall figure

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May 30th 2010

I felt my body getting pushed by other people all around me, I took a step and I was out, finally. I stepped on the cement ground and I was outside of the train, I felt the heavy bagage in my hands. It was hard to read the signs because of all the people walking around and covering them but I finally was able to push through and read. The words was hard to read since I didn't know German fluently, so I tried my best, luckily the signs often had translations to English. I knew it wasn't going to be easy here, but I needed to push myself.

The wind from the fast trains made my fringe cover my eyes, I quickly placed my suitcase down to the ground to drag the hair away from my face and down my messy French braid.
I was about to get my suitcase when someone ran by me, their foot crashed into my suitcase, making it fall and things falling out.
"Asshole" I quietly said to myself.
I sat down and put all my stuff back into my suitcase, trying not to got stepped on.

I got everything back into the suitcase and stood up, I looked at the sign again that said 'exit'. I glanced up the stairs and followed the crowded people.

I was finally out, I could see the town, it wasn't big but it was almost afternoon which meant that people went home, which meant, crowds even though not many people lived here.

I had been here a few weeks before moving to see the apartment I was gonna live in, so I knew where I was supposed to go. The apartments were only a few blocks down the town. I took a deep breath and walked down the road, there wasn't much to see here except small gas stations, shops and a few cafes.

I had walked down the road and saw the building, the sun was slowly going down and I knew I had to hurry if I was going to find a job today. I didn't have that much money, I had gotten some from my job in England and some from my mother for the start but I had to get a job. We weren't rich, not at all so I had learned at a young age how to use money. Moving here was good for me, it was a fresh start, something new to get away from. I knew I needed to go to a different country too, it wasn't that necessary to be honest. I wanted to move though because someone I missed was from Germany. I missed him a lot, and moving to Germany probably wasn't the best idea since it reminded me of him, but I really wanted to. It reminded me of him in a good way.

I had walked down the road, it was a pretty sickly place, It was a dirty place of the town, not a lot but I knew I had to be careful.

I now stood In front of the building and was about to put my keys in when I heard something loud, I looked behind me and could see a black car, it was driving fast around the corner. It sounded fast and quite dangerous, I watched how it drove past me. I was pretty near, I could even hear the music they played. The car slowed down and parked on the other side of the road, now seeing them picking someone up. I was going to turn around but I couldn't help but to notice them. It was hard to see the person since they stood behind the car, but all I noticed was when they sat down and their head peaking out, their eyes were sharp, and looked right at me. I couldn't figure out if it was a guy or a girl but I guessed it was guy since his tall figure. His stare wasn't long, but steady and intense. It didn't last long and the car drove away once he sat inside. The windows were tinted and impossible to look inside but I quickly turned around again.

I was so fixated on that stare, i wasn't used to it so I used that as an excuse. I shook my head and searched for my keys in my bag. I found them and quickly put them inside the keyhole. I turned and heard a click. I was inside. I saw a few stairs up and walked with my luggage. I saw a sign that said 'Eselin Raith'. It was quite pretty and I smiled. I put in the keys and it clicked, I opened the door and I stepped inside my new apartment. I took a deep breath and felt calm, I was happy that my apartment was clean and at least okay. It wasn't big but I was okay with that, it did at least have some furniture and not empty.

I placed my bags down and walked into the bedroom, I had a relatively big bed, a desk, a mirror and a wardrobe.

I placed my keys down on the desk and sat down on the chair. I let my wavy brown hair go from the braids I had worn the entire day. I quickly brushed them through with my fingers. I softly touched my skin to fix the concealer I wore on my face, still being able to see my freckles. I touched up my lashes so they weren't smudged with mascara.

I finally got up and grabbed a red zip sweater. I put it on over my white shirt and blue jeans.

I tried to at least look okay to be able to get someone to take me seriously if I wanted to get a job. I put my hair up in a ponytail but still leaving some wavy fringe in front.

I grabbed my flip phone, wallet and keys in my left Jean pocket, hoping not to take too long.

I ignored my unpacked bags and opened the door again, I didn't even have time to check the place since I needed to get out before the town closed. I quickly ran down the few stairs and opened the apartment doors. The sun was glowing behind some clouds and the air was a spring breeze. I walked a few blocks down the town and it was at least 7pm by now and I was relieved when I saw that a cafe was still open.


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