Chapter 1

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Hi im Sariah , im a transfer student to the school near our new house . I was nervous at first because i dont know anyone in our new place but the peoples there was actually kind and quiet.  Its my first day of school and its just like my old school . It all went well then i meet the popular girl in our school and place , her name is  akina . She was known for being well mannered,  kind , quiet , pretty and smart . I talked to her and we talked during the recess , she became my 'friend' . She grew up with her aunt since her parents 'disappeared' and they dont know why . I felt bad for her.

2 months later...

I somehow already adjust to our new place and made a lot of friends .

One night , i was walking home from my classmate's house because we made our group project since her house is just a street away from ours .  It was pretty dark that time . I walked pass by Akina's house , i hear a sounds like something i can't  explain. Its uncomfortable and it made me shiver. I looked at Akina's house and i think the noise is coming from their window, but i got distracted when i saw my dad. He bought something from the store and he's about to go home too so we both go together. I told my dad what i heard but he said maybe its just nothing and forget about it .

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