It was always you

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In the vibrant town of Amritsar, Shubman Gill, a young and promising cricketer, was about to embark on a new innings of his life. The air was thick with excitement as friends and family gathered at the grand wedding venue. Shubman, dressed in traditional attire, stood nervously at the mandap, awaiting the arrival of his bride, Sara.

As the ceremonial music played, memories of his journey with Sara flashed before Shubman's eyes. They had met through mutual friends, and their courtship had been filled with laughter and shared dreams. Yet, a subtle unease lingered within him.

As Sara made her way towards the mandap, adorned in bridal splendor, Shubman's heart raced. The festive atmosphere couldn't drown out the inner turmoil. It was then that his eyes caught sight of Ishan Kishan, his best friend since childhood, standing among the guests.

Ishan's eyes met Shubman's, and for a fleeting moment, an unspoken understanding passed between them. It was a moment of realization, a realization that the person Shubman truly yearned for was not the one approaching in bridal attire but the one standing by the sidelines.

Caught in the whirlwind of conflicting emotions, Shubman felt a sudden surge of courage. Unable to suppress his feelings any longer, he turned to the priest and the gathering and, with a heavy heart, confessed his inner turmoil. The mandap fell silent as Shubman declared, "I cannot go through with this marriage."

Confusion and shock rippled through the venue. Sara, bewildered and hurt, looked at Shubman with tearful eyes. The guests exchanged whispers, trying to comprehend the unexpected turn of events.

Shubman, trembling yet resolute, stepped away from the mandap and approached Ishan. With a mix of apprehension and hope in his eyes, he uttered, "I need to be true to myself, Ishan. I can't deny what I feel."

Ishan, taken aback but understanding, nodded in silent acknowledgment. The two friends, now standing side by side, faced the consequences of Shubman's revelation. Sara, devastated, was comforted by her family as Shubman and Ishan retreated to a quiet corner to navigate the storm that had just erupted.

In the days that followed, the small town buzzed with gossip about Shubman's decision. The cricketing community, Sara's family, and the townsfolk shared their varied opinions on the matter. Shubman, torn between societal expectations and his true feelings, found solace in Ishan's unwavering support.

As the dust settled, Shubman and Ishan faced the challenging task of rebuilding their lives. Their friendship, once shrouded in unspoken emotions, now stood exposed. They navigated the judgmental gazes and whispers with resilience, drawing strength from their bond.

In the process, Shubman learned the value of authenticity and the importance of embracing one's true self. Ishan, in turn, discovered the depth of his connection with Shubman, transcending the boundaries of friendship.

While the tale of Shubman's aborted wedding spread far and wide, it also became a story of acceptance, self-discovery, and the unyielding bonds that withstand the tests of societal norms. As Shubman and Ishan faced the world hand in hand, their journey became a testament to the enduring power of love, friendship, and the courage to follow one's heart, even when it leads down an unconventional path.

"Ishu stay with me always?"


Sorry if this was bad... I wrote it in a rush. Tomorrow I have my Physics exam and here I am!😁😂
Hope you like it!

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