Love story. Part 1.

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Again, I was inspired by Tiffamon336, this time I will write a story about my character LiRainbow, who fell in love with one of the levels (no matter how strange it sounds. But do not forget that humanization has been done here) - Viking Arena (read the description of his appearance and the questionnaire from the mentioned user). Well, let's go!
At one of the parties of the online levels, San, standing on the sidelines and waiting for the return of Blood and Kaes, saw him... It's strange that he could show up at this party, being a level of Normal difficulty... It must have been difficult for him when there were only Demons around...
San pulled up her hood when this guy passed very close, but did not notice her. The girl watched him go, feeling herself blushing...
- "thank God, he didn't notice me..." - San thought, trying to remove her embarrassment.
- Sanny, are you okay here?  Blood asked, approaching the girl.
- Eh? Yes, everything is fine, don't worry...  San replied, trying to hide her excitement.
- whatever you say. Kaes isn't feeling well, he's gone home, so... Now you only have me...
- Listen, can you leave me alone with my thoughts?.. -  San said, simultaneously watching that guy who was chatting animatedly with some online Demon.
- Okay, whatever you say. - Blood did not object and left.
San continued to watch the stranger. Suddenly, he said something to his interlocutor, then turned around and looked directly at the girl. San immediately turned away, blushing even more, and pulled her hood tighter so that she couldn't see anything.
- Hey, are you okay? - San heard an unfamiliar voice.
The girl carefully looked out from under her "shelter", and... She saw in front of her the guy she liked.
- Uh-huh... Everything is fine... - San somehow managed to squeeze out an answer.
- you're all alone here... Would you like to dance with me?) - the guy suggested.
San has never danced in her life, but an inner voice told her: "go, this is your chance!".  The girl sighed heavily and replied:
- I don't mind...
- by the way, my name is Viking Arena, but for friends I'm just Aren) - Aren introduced himself and smiled benevolently.
- and I'm San... - the girl replied.
- Nice to meet you... By the way, you look cute) - Aren winked and, taking San by the hand, led her somewhere. The girl did not resist, but in her heart she wanted to scream in embarrassment. Thank God, the hood of the hoodie half hid her face.
- Oh, have you found a girlfriend yet?) - An unfamiliar level spoke.
- Lust, don't say that... She was just standing on the sidelines, so I decided to find out if everything was okay... - Aren spoke as if San wasn't standing next to him right now.
— Okay... Let's get to know each other, young lady... I'm BloodLust, but Aren just calls me Lust. And I am the brother of Blood.
- and I'm San... - The girl replied.
- Oh, are you San that Blood was talking about? Nice to meet you, I didn't think he had such a pretty girlfriend) - Lust smiled.
- Okay, we'll go dance, will you wait here?) - Aren asked.
- of course, have fun)
Soon, Aren and San found themselves in the center of the dance hall. Some electronic music was playing now, so everyone was actively dancing.
- come on, start) - trying to shout over the music, Aren said.
San was trying to remember at least some movements. Then she remembered what Kaes had advised her: "just let the music cover your body..." Moreover, San liked the song, so she just started moving to the beat of the music. The girl closed her eyes so as not to see her new friend ...
everything around her literally disappeared... Only the music remained... And she, San. The girl's movements became more and more intricate, turning into a full-fledged dance.
Aren just watched San with admiration... The hood was in the girl's way, so she took it off.
Soon the song ended. San stood up in her usual position, trying to catch her breath and looking at Aren. He began to applaud.
- your dance is amazing! Where did you learn this?! - the guy asked, approaching the girl.
- I didn't study... These are just spontaneous movements... - San replied, breathing fast and no longer betraying the importance of their intimacy with Aren.
- by the way, why are you wearing a hood? You look much better without it!
- a habit...  San replied in monosyllables.
Aren was very surprised and at the same time delighted that he noticed such a wonderful girl. He spent the whole party with San, paying her for non-alcoholic cocktails with fruit flavors. The girl was modest, so she took only three cocktails all night.
When San was completely exhausted, she told Aren about it. As an adult, he was drinking alcohol, so he was already "funny".
- can I carry you home, my queen of the dance floor?)~ - Aren asked, no longer realizing the meaning of the words he had said.
-n-no need, I'll do it myself... -  San wanted to object. But the guy had already picked her up in his arms and walked to the exit of the club. Now the girl wanted to sink through the ground with shame... She wanted to scream, tear up and throw ...
- y-you don't know, g-g-where I live ... - stammering with embarrassment and excitement, San said.
- then show me, my Sunshine) - Aren carefully put San on the ground. The girl adjusted her hoodie, sighed heavily and said:
-come with me, since you want to walk me out...
San had no choice... When they reached her house, Aren said something indistinctly and hung up. He would have fallen and hit his head hard if San hadn't used her abilities (which she has, by the way) and restrained him with magic.
- "Damn it... I'll have to keep him at my house for the night..." - thought San.
Soon the girl entered the house and carefully carried Aren to the sofa. The guy was already fast asleep, being under the influence of a decent dose of alcohol.
San went to her room, hoping to find a second blanket there. And it was: soft, warm - just right. The girl returned to the living room, where Aren was peacefully snoring, and covered him with a blanket. At that moment, her personality changed, and now it was not San who stood next to the guy, but Sin.
- how cute he is... You went to the party well, Sister) - Sin said softly. Then she gently stroked Aren's curly hair. The guy didn't react in any way.
After doing all the necessary procedures, Sin went to bed with a calm soul, partly not believing that she could fall in love with someone so quickly. Soon, the girl's mind turned off and she fell asleep.
Sin woke up to someone stroking her head.
- Mmm... Good morning... - She said sleepily. Opening one eye, Sin saw... Aren!
- and the same to you ... - the guy answered.
When it dawned on the girl's sleepy mind who was standing in front of her now, she instantly blushed and covered her face with her hands.
-Where's San? - Aren asked.
- San is me.. well... So... I am her other personality... - Sin tried to say something clearly, but couldn't because of embarrassment.
- Okay, okay, you'll explain later... By the way, why are you so embarrassed?) - Aren asked with a smile.
-n-nothing, come out, please, I need to change clothes... - replied Sin.
- whatever you say) - the guy went out and closed the door behind him.
Sin somehow forced herself out of bed, still recovering from the shock, and changed into her home clothes, which consisted of dark blue knitted shorts and a white T-shirt.
- Oh, so fast?) I thought that all girls spend a lot of time trying to get themselves in order) - Aren said when Sin left her room.
- I just changed my clothes... And I still need to wash my face... - Sin said and went to the bathroom.
- Okay, I'll wait for you here)
Sin cleaned herself up, wasting no time, and returned to Aren.
- do I remind you what happened yesterday?)" - the girl asked with an awkward smile.
- Yes, if possible... I only remember how I met you and how you danced... If you really are a San, of course... I can't tell from the looks...  Aren said, looking at Sin, - your eyes and hair are a different color...
- well, yes, there is such a thing... Damn, I forgot to put them in a ponytail... - Sin said.
- Why? It suits you anyway.
- I'm used to doing this... Although, okay, it can wait. Would you like tea or coffee? - the girl asked.
- coffee, if possible) - Aren replied with a smile.
While Sin was cooking, the guy talked about himself...
- in general, I love all kinds of parties and places where there are a lot of people... It's so much fun there!
- me too, but my sister San, whom you saw yesterday, is more withdrawn and, apparently, went to the dance floor just for you)
- Are you serious?... - Aren stopped smiling and looked a little embarrassed.
- Yeah, I'm not going to lie to you) - Sin finished cooking and put a mug of hot coffee in front of Aren.
Suddenly, Sin heard in her head:
- "if I could, I would have finished you off already."
- "Oh, is that you, Sanny? I didn't think you could talk to me telepathically. Anyway, I'm just trying to help you... well... And a little for myself... After all, you're not the only one who liked him)" -  Sin replied mentally.
- "Oh, f*ck you..."- replied San.
It should be noted that from the outside, a genuine "conversation" on a mental level looks strange: Sin stopped at one point and, without blinking, looked at one point on the wall.
- Hey, are you okay? - Aren asked, sipping from a mug of coffee.
- Yes, of course, I'm sorry for that ^^" - Sin smiled awkwardly and sat down at the table next to the guy.
- "... stupid." - That was the last thing San said.
That's how Sin and San met Aren. Both girls fell in love with him... What will happen next? You will learn this in the next chapter ;)

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