to pull".

The soldiers who shouted just now on the city tower couldn't help but burst into foul language.

"I don't have many people left, Captain Xiao, and the battlefield is not far away, the little girl is going to die"

"Paralyzed, who will tell Lao Tzu, where did this little girl come from, what are she going to do when she ran out, is she crazy, looking for death?"


Yu Hui crazy Did she go down to find death

No, it was because she wanted to live that she went out

She had already carefully observed and seen it before

she came down, and at this moment, outside the pass of the city tower, the battlefield had been stretched away, except for the stacked corpses, blood all over the ground, and the smoke and ruins of the battlefield that had not had time to subside, there was no fierce slashing, and the place where the fighting spirit was strongIt's at least a kilometer away from here.

Judging from the current situation of Xiao Miaomiao's feedback, the situation of a certain persimmon can't wait for the battle to end completely, and he can't wait until the city gate is wide open and the people in the pass go out to sweep the battlefield before coming out to save people.

For the sake of her own life, saving people is like fighting a fire, so she decided to take an adventure.

Like a nimble groundhog, Yu Hui shuttled and jumped in the pass and the kilometer-long buffer zone of the battlefield where the battle was in full swing.

Closer, closer, closer Finally, Yu Hui stopped in front of a pile of corpses.

Her movements successfully attracted the attention of Du Yuping, who was trembling and hugging his brother under the corpse pile.

The sight was blocked, the smell was polluted, and even the ears were blurred by the concentration and excitement of the door for a long time, and Du Yuping was very scared at this moment.

I am afraid that it is the enemy who will go and return, and I am even more afraid that it is my own people who have run out and died, and it is the enemy who is cleaning up the battlefield

at this moment The sound of the sorrowful rope came from above his head, and it was obvious that he could feel it, it was the sound of someone turning the corpse.

Du Yuping, who was under the pile of corpses, subconsciously hugged his brother who didn't know the life and death of his side tighter, tighter, but his adrenaline was soaring, he tried hard to swallow his saliva, and subconsciously groped around him with one hand, trying his best to find a weapon to defend himself.

Coming, coming, about to see

Just when Du Yuping was accumulating his strength and was about to go out and fight for the last time, what suddenly came into view, in addition to the gray sky, was only the familiar face under the sky that was against the light, "Drag, drag the oil bottle"

She raised her eyebrows and looked at the persimmon in front of her who held the persimmon in one hand and didn't know whether she was alive or dead, and raised a sharp stone in the other hand to sneak attack, dragging an oil bottle or something, cough cough, now is not the time to care about these.

Yu Hui ignored Du Yuping's stunned and surprised, she reached out and broke Du Yuping's hand, who was stupid and had no reaction at all, checked Du Yuchen's situation, confirmed that the product was not dead, and quickly entered some abilities into the other party, treated most of the wounds in his heart, and delivered a breath of life to ensure that after hanging the life of this thing, Yu Hui withdrew his hand.

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileWhere stories live. Discover now