||Episode 5||

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So guys here is the next update, I hope you guys will like it😊

The next day, Palki wakes up with a mix of frustration and determination. She marches over to the bed and pushes Shaurya lightly to rouse him from his deep slumber.

Palki: (playfully) "Wake up, sleepyhead! It's time to face the consequences of your actions."

Shaurya groans, rubbing his eyes and trying to gather his thoughts.

Shaurya: (drowsily) "What did I do now, Palki? Can't a man get some rest after a wild party?"

Palki: (mockingly) "Oh, poor Shaurya, paying the price for your wild ways."

To which Palki just put the coffee cup in the table and stomped her foot and left from there to which Shaurya smiled a little and sensed what was the matter.

Shaurya took a sip of coffee and gave a weird face.
He came and to Palki who was cutting the fruits in very harsh way.

Shaurya: "Palki... as usual your coffee is utter flop"
Palki: "Oh... then you do one thing no... you ask your mom to hire someone to make good coffee for you"

Shaurya, sensing her annoyance, decides to play along with her banter.

Palki: "I hope you had fun with Sanya last night."
Shaurya: (grinning) "Sanya? Oh, you mean my new best friend?
We played interesting board games and discussing the mysteries of the universe."

Palki: (feigning indifference) "Really? Well, I'm glad you had such a wonderful time. Maybe you should go and stay with her since you seem to enjoy her company so much."

Shaurya: (laughing) "Oh, come on, Palki. You know you're the only one for me. Sanya is just a colleague, nothing more."

Palki: (pretending anger) "Colleague, huh? Well, I'm glad you clarified that. I wouldn't want to confuse your work relationships with your personal ones."

Shaurya: (trying to pacify her) "Palki, don't be like that. You know I love you. Sanya is just a friend, nothing romantic."

As Palki shouts in frustration, her voice trembles, and tears well up in her eyes, though she tries her best to hide them.

Palki: (voice quivering) "I'm not jealous, Shaurya. I'm not your wife, so you can do whatever you want."
Shaurya notices her tears, his playful demeanor dissipating as he realizes the depth of her emotions.

Shaurya: (gentle tone) "Palki, I didn't mean to hurt you. You know I value our relationship more than anything. Please don't cry."

Shaurya was about hold her hands but then Palki, fueled by a mix of anger and heartache, jerks his hands away, accidentally cutting herself with the knife she was using to chop fruits.
The sight of blood sends Shaurya into a state of panic, and he faints at the sight.

Palki: (worried and shocked) "Shaurya! Oh no, what have I done?"

Rushing to Shaurya's side, Palki tries to revive him, patting his cheek gently.

Palki: (frantic) "Shaurya, wake up! I didn't mean to hurt you. Please, please wake up!"

After Shaurya faints, Palki frantically calls for an ambulance, and soon they rush him to the hospital.
In the emergency room, the doctor attends to Shaurya while Palki anxiously waits by his side.

As Shaurya slowly regains consciousness, his eyes flutter open, and he sees Palki's tear-streaked face, worry etched across her features.

Shaurya: (weakly) "Palki, I'm so sorry. I fainted because I was scared for you. Are you okay?"

Palki, her anger and frustration fading away, holds his hand tightly, tears still streaming down her face.

Palki: (teary-eyed) "I'm sorry too, Shaurya. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I love you, and I don't want to see you hurt."

Shaurya: (softly) "I love you too, Palki. We need to communicate better, trust each other. Let's take care of each other, okay?"

Palki nods, her heart heavy with both guilt and relief.

Palki: (whispering) "Okay, Shaurya. Let's promise to always be there for each other, no matter what."

They embrace, seeking solace in each other's arms, knowing that their love can overcome misunderstandings and insecurities.

That time the doctor comes to check on Shaurya.

Doctor: "Mr Luthra... how are you feeling now?"
Shaurya, smiling: "Yes doctor, I am fine!"
To which the doctor smiled and was about to leave when he looked at Palki and felt something off in her. 

Doctor: (observing Palki) "Is everything okay with you?"
Palki, confused: "Yes doctor, why you asked?"

Doctor: "You seem a bit off. Are you feeling any discomfort?"
Palki: (nervously) "Oh, no, I'm fine. Just worried about Shaurya. He fainted, and I accidentally cut myself."

Doctor: (still suspicious) "Hmm, alright. But something seems amiss. Are you sure there's nothing else bothering you?"

Palki: (confused) "Yes... Yes doctor."

Doctor: (concerned) "Periods are regular right?"
Palki: "Yes doctor! Periods are..."
To which stopped immediately from saying as she looked on and her gaze shifts towards Shaurya, who looks bewildered and unaware of the underlying conversation.
A flicker of doubt crosses her mind.

They both consult a doctor and that's when they heard the shocking news.

After the doctor runs the necessary tests, Shaurya and Palki anxiously wait for the results.
The doctor reenters the room, their expression serious.

Doctor: (calmly) "I have the results, and I need to share some news with you both."
Shaurya: "What doctor?"
Doctor: "Palki, you're pregnant."
Both Shaurya and Palki exchange shocked glances, fear evident in their eyes.

Shaurya: (stammering) "Pregnant? How... how did this happen? We were not expecting this."

To which Palki looked on and thought of how they came close on day and looked at Shaurya with pain in her eyes.

Doctor: (reassuringly) "Sometimes, even a single instance of physical intimacy can lead to pregnancy.
It's important to remember that contraception is not 100% foolproof.
This is a significant responsibility, but it also brings the potential for a new chapter in your lives."

Shaurya: (with fear) "I can't believe this is happening. We are not prepared for this. What do we do now?"

Doctor: (supportive) "I understand it may be overwhelming, but take some time to process the news.
Sit down together, have an open and honest conversation about your feelings, aspirations, and concerns.
It's essential to make a decision that aligns with your values and circumstances."

Shaurya: (concerned) "Is there any way to... to reverse this? To undo the pregnancy?"

Palki holds Shaurya's hand, shaking her head gently to halt him from saying anything further.

Doctor: (nodding) "See... It's crucial to take the time to make a well-informed decision. I'm here to provide guidance and support you through this process.
It's important to consider all factors and choose wisely."

Shaurya and Palki share a mix of emotions—fear, confusion, and a sense of responsibility. They thank the doctor for their advice, understanding that they have a significant decision to make—one that will shape their future.
They leave the room, ready to have the necessary discussion and face the choices ahead.

In the corridors:
Shaurya and Palki were walking with fear evident on their faces.
Shaurya: "Palki... let's get rid of this" To which Palki hesitates.

Palki: "No Shaurya... I cannot do this"
Shaurya: "Palki... what will we tell our families? They don't even know about our relationship"
Palki: "Shaurya! You're right! But the thing this is a life! This is your child... our child Shaurya! How can you just say to get rid of this?"
To which Shaurya looks on and leaves from there in anger while Palki stood there sadly.

Guys please vote and comment😊

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