||Episode 3||

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So guys here is the next update, I hope you guys will like it😊

On the way back home, two separate conversations unfold within the car. One between Preeta and Shaurya, and the other between Pragya and Palki.

At Shaurya's side:

Preeta: (excitedly) "Shaurya, I must say, Palki is such an amazing person. She's talented, smart, and has a great sense of style. You should get to know her better."

Shaurya: (casually) "Thanks for the suggestion, Mom, but I don't think Palki is my type. I'm looking for someone with different interests."

Preeta: (surprised) "Really? I thought you two would hit it off. Well, I guess everyone has their preferences."
The conversation continues as Preeta tries to understand Shaurya's perspective, while Shaurya elaborates on his preferences, keeping an open mind about potential connections.

At Palki's side:

Pragya: (enthusiastically) "Palki, Shaurya is such a talented and ambitious young man. He's excelling in his advertising career and has a great personality. I think you two would make a great couple."

Palki: (dismissing the idea) "Mom, I appreciate your thoughts, but I'm not interested in someone from the advertising industry. I want someone with different professional pursuits."

Abhi: (teasingly) "Well, Palki, it seems you and Shaurya have similar thoughts. Who would want a guy from the advertising firm, right?"

Palki: (laughing) "Dad, it's not about the profession itself. It's about finding someone who complements my aspirations and values. Let's focus on finding the right connection, regardless of their career choice."

The conversation continues as Pragya and Abhi try to understand Palki's perspective, respecting her desire for a partner who aligns with her personal goals and values.

As the car journey continues, the Mehra family engages in lighthearted banter and meaningful discussions, reflecting the diverse perspectives and preferences involved in matters of the heart.
They understand and respect each other's choices, realizing that finding the right partner is a unique journey for each individual.

That night:
At the bus station:
Abhi: (Kissing Palki's forehead) "Be careful on the bus, sweetheart. And call me once you reach Bangalore, okay?"
Palki: (Smiling) "Don't worry, Dad. I will. And please, take care of yourself too."

Abhi: (Chuckling) "Don't worry about me, I'm a tough old bird. Now go on, have a safe journey."
Palki waves goodbye to her father as she boards the bus.
She finds a seat and settles in to go to Bangalore.

Next day:
At Bangalore:
At Shaurya's side:

Shaurya stirs awake, a warm feeling enveloping him.
He opens his eyes to see someone snuggled close beside him, her face serene and peaceful. A smile spreads across his face as he remembers the previous night.

Shaurya: (Whispering and stirring awake, his voice husky with sleep) ) "Good morning, sleepyhead."
That someone stirs and opens her eyes, meeting Shaurya's gaze.
Her face flushes a rosy hue.

They were tangled in each other's arms, a picture of peaceful slumber.
Their live-in relationship in Bangalore, while unconventional, was filled with love, laughter, and the comforting routine of sharing a life together.

Palki: (Stretching) "Good morning, my love. Slept well?"
Shaurya: (Kissing her forehead) "The best sleep ever, with you in my arms."
They lay in bed, enjoying the quiet intimacy of the morning.
The sounds of the city slowly crept in, the chirping of birds and the distant honking of cars forming a familiar soundtrack to their lives.

Palki: "Are you hungry? I could make us some coffee and breakfast."
Shaurya: (Smiling) "Sounds perfect. But first, how about another good morning kiss?"
Palki laughed and leaned in, their lips meeting in a sweet, lingering kiss.

Later, as they sat at the kitchen table, sipping their coffee and enjoying a simple breakfast of toast and eggs, they discussed their plans for the day.

Palki: "I have a meeting with the marketing team this afternoon. We're brainstorming new ideas for the upcoming campaign."
Shaurya: "Sounds exciting! I have a bit more time before my client meeting, so maybe I can help you with some of the preparation?"

Palki: "That would be amazing! You always have the best creative ideas."

They spent the morning working together, their laughter and playful banter bouncing off the walls of their apartment.
Despite their busy schedules, they always took time to connect, to share their thoughts and dreams, and to offer each other unwavering support.

Palki: "Umm... nice coffee! Hey! I feel you've become a little better"
Shaurya: "Oh nothing like that! That yesterday after you had your mom's sour coffee you're liking my coffee😅"

Palki: "Yeah, now you start talking about my mom, by the way yesterday your acting was super flop"
Shaurya: "That I learnt it from you! Oh god if someone wants to learn brainwashing then they should learn from you😅"

Palki: "Yeah or else caught! And yeah why you always dislike my dad?"
Shaurya: "Why does he always invite me to his flop company whenever we meet?"

Palki: "Arree, my mom's coffee is sour, my dad's company is flop... but you want to marry their daughter ah?"
Shaurya (funnily): "I never said I want to marry their daughter😅😂"
Palki: "Get lost you dumbo😡😅"
To which Shaurya laughed at that.

Later on:
Palki gets ready and they were about to leave when she funnily said something to Shaurya.
Palki: "Yesterday, my mom was talking about you"
Shaurya: "About me? What?"

Palki: "A small proposal talk!"
Shaurya: "And what you said?"
Palki: "Ohh! I rejected at that time itself!! I can't imagine spending my whole life with this dumbo"
Shaurya: "Hahaa very funny"
To which both smiled and left from there to their office.

Shaurya dropped Palki to her office.

Shaurya: "Today I would be late from office! I have a send-off party to attend... want to come with me?"
Palki: "Umm... naa!! You go and have fun sir😅"
Shaurya: "Ok my love😍"
And she leaves from there to go to her office. She turns back and smiles to her to which he smiles back at her and he leaves from there to go to his office.

So guys here is the next update, I hope you guys will like it😊
Please vote and comment😊

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