Princess and the Soldier's Quest

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Once, there was a kingdom in the far away land ruled by a ruthless King and an evil step-mother Queen, the King had a daughter from his late wife, she was called Princess Antonnia Porsild.

But let me tell you how it started...

Old hermit says that the child she bear was a curse and a threat to their kingdom. The queen cried and left the enchanted forest with a heavy heart. The Queen immediately told the King about the old hermits fortune.

"I must do something to stop the curse! We must kill the Old Hermit!" His voice thundered even the royal guards and royal soldiers got startled.

The King brought his royal army at the enchanted forest.
When they arrive they saw the old hermit.

"You're highness, what brings you and your whole army in my haven?" Ask the old hermit. The tone of his voice is curious and innocent. But the King did not care. He raise his sword and slashed the old hermits chest. Blood flow from his mouth but eyes are wide open. He couldn't believe what the King did to him.

"I will not allow your fortune for my daughter to become true. She's not a curse nor a threat to my kingdom."

The old hermit cried and smiled bitterly.

"It wasn't me who gave that fortune. King Harry, I'm afraid you were fooled. Careful with whom you believe with. If I were you, I'll kill her.

"And for your daughter, you must protect her, if not your whole kingdom will fall."

That's what he said after his last breath. The King's hand shaken and left the forest.

Months passed the queen gave birth, the kingdom was overjoyed by the news. As everyone's celebrating the birth of the newborn princess, the Queen suddenly became weak and was struggling to breath.
Doctors tried to revive her but the Queen died.

Because of the incident the King cried and regretted everything. If he did not killed the old hermit, for sure his Queen is still alive.

As the King cries a lady in black with an apple on her hand appeared.
"When you cry... I cry your majesty. Condolences for losing your wife. But, cry no more... I am here to mend your broken heart. Here have a bite, my dearest King." The lady in black said. She was old and her skin was saggy. The king did not mind her appearance.

He accepted the apple and took a bite. He felt dizzy. He fell on the floor, unconsciously.

The King was awakened when he heard the baby's cry. The King got stunned by when he saw a lady in front of him. Her eyes speaks longing and admiration. He was stunned by her beauty.

"Who are you?" He asked.
Her skin is white as a snow and her lips that shame the red red rose. Her hair is red as a bloody moon.

"The one that got away." She smiled sweetly but the depths of her being laughs like a devil.

At last! She made it to the Kingdom.

Part 2 will be posted soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2023 ⏰

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