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Name: Chisa Mikami
Nickname: Chi, Kami, Mika, and K
Hero name: Silent Angel
Gender: Non-binary female
Pronouns: She/her (preferred) and they/them.
Age: 15-17
Personality: Chisa is a very sweet and shy girl that normally keeps to herself. She always feels bad when using her quirk on villains due to what happened in her school days. She loves to read and write and when alone sing like she use to be in school
Appearance (normal): She has black side shaved hair with blue and purple streaks, fair pale skin, and green eyes. She stands at 5'9" and is quite petite. Mineta considers her perfect or beautiful (mainly due to the fact he's a tiny weirdo)
Appearance (hero suit): Her hair is past shoulder length and white, her eyes are a crystal blue color, and her suit is crystal blue and white. Her suit includes a voice mask that makes her voice louder. When she uses her quirk her eyes will glow white
Looks (normal): She is normally wearing her UA uniform, but when out of school she wears cargo pants with black combat boots and a torn black shirt with a white tank top under it
Looks (hero suit): Her suit is a white strapless floor length dress with a slit up the thigh with the top resembling the letter 'A' and a translucent cape is held in place. Her voice mask is worn around her neck along with the same scarf as Aizawa's. She wears crystal blue high heeled boots with her suit. The only upside to her uniform is that it can easily catch villains off guard
Quirk or quirkless: Quirk
Quirk name: Angels voice
Quirk powers: She can influence and control anyone with her speaking voice to do whatever she says. It is not a form of mind control in her opinion, but more so a sort of good influence (example is like having a tiny angel on your shoulder). She can also use her voice and mask to go up some octaves and project vocal blasts, but only when she's angry, scared, or pressured.
Quirk drawback: She can only use her voice when fighting villains and if she uses her voice too much she'll lose it for 24 hours. Other than that she uses sign language, writing on a whiteboard or paper, or having someone who reads minds to speak to her telepathically
Class: 1-A
Occupations: Student and hero in training
Friends: Izuku, Bakugou, Ururaka, Tsuyu, MoMo, Todoroki, Mei, Sero, Iida, Denki, Shinsou, Monoma, etc.,
Enemies: LOV
Crush: Hitoshi Shinsou (currently)
             Shouto Todoroki (formerly)
Background: Chisa use to sing in her old elementary and middle school. She hadn't known when she would develop her quirk until the end of middle school when she was practicing her singing for choir and a few students slowly began to sing with her. Once she stopped they stopped immediately and began to call her a villain and a witch. When her parents found out about the bullying they encouraged her to join UA and use her quirk to prove the bullies wrong. After her written exam was accepted she had to start using sign language to talk to everyone except to Hitoshi Shinsou. With him she could have a normal conversation without either of them controlling one another
Extra: If and when she whispers that has no effect on her friends or other people and she is also proficient in using sign language due to the fact that her mother is mute and her father is deaf. Her mother has a quirk that lets anyone speak through her. Her eyes will turn the color of whoever's voice she's speaking with and for her to activate it she must be looking into the other persons eyes. and her father has a mind control quirk that allows him to control the person in question if he touches them. His eyes will glow a dark blue once his quirk is active. If Chisa feels pressure or anger her voice can reach a high enough octave to shatter anything, especially glass.

~Authors note: Hiya! I figured to give my OC parents to kinda explain the why and how she can use sign language. Other than that I kinda figured that anger can make anyone loud or scream, so I gave her an addition to her quirk. It's small, but I love deaf and mute representation due to some personal stuff in my life. If we're currently rp please come back to this chapter and reread it. Thank you! Go Plus Ultra!~

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