Jenna, now stepping out of character with growing annoyance, shot an exasperated glance at you instead of trying to understand what's going on like she always did, she finally snapped. "Seriously, Y/n? We're in the middle of a scene, and you think it's a good idea to go off script and let out frustration now? your choosing to cut into our work time to do this. This is not the time for an immature outburst. What's going on?"

"Maybe if you understood the situation I'm in, you wouldn't keep pushing me to explain myself. It's not that simple, Jenna." you say not wanting to say

with her frustration boiling over, she fired back, "Why can't you just say it? It's not that difficult. If I did something, I'm sorry, okay? But I'm trying, Y/n. I'm trying to find out what's wrong because you've been keeping your distance from me ever since New York."

"Cut! what was that guys?" Tim called out.

 you decided to step away, and headed straight to your trailer, once alone in the dimly lit trailer, You ran a hand through your hair, trying to shake off the intensity of the confrontation. you let the weight of the script get to your head you let it affect you personally.

As you grappled with your thoughts, the sound of a scoff reached your ears. you turned towards the entrance of your trailer, the door was still open to see Jenna, She shot you a glance and entered

 you shook your head "It's not about New York, Jenna. It's not about you well not entirely," you muttered, more to yourself than to her.

But Jenna wasn't having it. Her eyes were staring daggers into yours with an intensity that matched her character. "Then what is it about, Y/n? You've been avoiding me, acting distant, and now you're disrupting our work. This affects the entire production."

The weight of her words sank in, "I'm dealing with shit that doesn't matter, Jenna. It's got nothing to do with anyone on this set."

Her frustration turned into a flash of anger. "That's not good enough! We're a team, and we need to work together. and you cant even do that,"

You couldn't meet her eyes, your gaze fixed on the ground. "I don't need to talk about it, Jenna. I just need to figure it out."

She scoffed "Figure what out? You're not making any sense, Y/n. just fucking tell me"

You clenched your jaw, "I can't... Some things are better left unsaid." 

Jenna left with a sigh walking out to her own trailer, which conveniently had to be right next to yours. "at least the entire cast didn't see that" you thought to yourself.

not even a couple seconds later you saw Emma walk past and heard a door creak open,

The closeness of the trailers made it impossible for You to ignore the conversation unfolding next door. Jenna's voice was filled with irritation, which carried through the thin walls. "I don't get him, Emma. One minute, he's fine, and the next, he's off-script and snapping at me. It's like he's intentionally keeping something from me."

Emma, seizing the opportunity to sway Jenna's perspective of you, "You don't deserve that, Jenna. He's just like every other guy. They all treat girls like shit. You shouldn't let him mess with your head."

unintentionally eavesdropping on the conversation, you felt a surge of frustration and hurt. not even meaning to hear what they were discussing, but hearing Emma's attempt to deceive Jenna's perception of you, heightened your anger.

the feeling of being misunderstood became too much for you, you want so badly to tell her but you feal that your well passed that point you've already dealt the damage of pissing her off. you swiped everything off the table in a burst to relief yourself. The crash of scattered books echoed within the trailer.

Is This Okay (Jenna Ortega x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now