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In the lands of chapter's close, where stories find their end,
A poem came to life with words that love did send.
It spoke of journeys long and battles that were fought,
Of characters we've come to know, through words they brought.

The hero, strong and brave, with heart that's true,
Faced trials and tribulations, never feeling blue.
He conquered fears and doubts with every step he took,
Inspiring those around him, with a single, mighty look.

The heroine, beside him, a beacon in the night,
With wisdom and compassion, she filled the world with light.
Her words of guidance and her touch of a healing hand,
Brought solace to the wounded, in a broken, barren land.

And as the story unfolded, secrets were revealed,
Hidden truths and mysteries, in each character concealed.
Friendships formed and bonds were forged, unbreakable and strong,
Through hardships they endured, together they belonged.

But every story waits, for the final page to turn,
And in this poem's last chapter, there's a lesson we can learn.
For though the journey ends, and the characters depart,
The impact of their tale will forever leave its mark.

So let us raise a glass, to the last chapter's end,
To the emotions it has stirred and the lessons it did send.
For in the world of words, and the stories that we share,
Our last chapter poem proves, that love is always there.

✍️ Kimmotama

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