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In shattered fragments, my words lay
A broken poem, in disarray
Lines crumbled, like fallen dreams
Emotions torn, it seems

Once a river flowing with grace
Now a mess I can't embrace
Verses scattered, lost and torn
A poet's heart, forlorn

In every broken line, a tale
Of love lost, and vows derailed
Whispers of hope turned to dust
In this poem's broken trust

Each word a crack upon my soul
In this broken poem, I seek control
But how to mend what's been undone?
When the muse and the poet have come undone

Yet still, I assemble these fractured pieces
Hoping to create a poem that releases
The pain and sorrow trapped within
And turn this broken poem into a hymn

For in these fragments, there's beauty yet
A testament to resilience, a chance to reset
In the brokenness, I find my strength
To weave a new poem, free from lament.

✍️ Kimmotama

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