Chapter 4 - Escaping

Start from the beginning

For a long moment, Nera didn't say anything to Aditya and merely stared at him, blankly. Finally, after a little while, she burst out laughing.

"First of all, that's the most ridiculous story I've ever heard! Viraj Malotas, your dad, being threatened by someone, a man. Just one man. Your dad is the most powerful man in all of Wasa. Who the hell could threaten him? Who could scare Viraj Malotas? Tell me!"

Aditya, who was clearly feeling embarrassed about being laughed at, whispered quietly, "That man-", but Nera interrupted him.

"-How the hell did you make that up? I mean like, you have a strong imagination, don't you, Malotas?" Nera scoffed at him.

For a moment, Aditya went silent, obviously embarrassed and sad that she didn't believe him and was, instead, making fun of him. But, finally, through the cell's bars, he looked Nera right in the eye and said, "I don't know nor do I care whether you believe me or not. I know that this is important and I know that it has something to do with you, Nera. I know it does! That's why I need you to come with me to Neskarta. I would understand why you wouldn't want to, but-"

"-What do you mean it has something to do with me, Malotas? And, how the hell do you know my name? !" Nera asked, furrowing her eyebrows as she looked at him intently.

Before Aditya could say another word, he was interrupted by the sound of footsteps coming down the staircase in the dungeon. Hurriedly, so he didn't get caught, Aditya rushed out of the back door(which led to the garden outside of the mansion), leaving Nera alone again in the dungeon. But, before he left, Aditya quickly whispered to her, "I'll be back at 12 O'clock tonight. Be ready, Nera."

And so she waited. And waited. And waited. Until about 11:30 pm.

Nera laid on the floor staring at the ceiling of her cell. She was listening intently to the guards' conversation, as she had nothing better to do.

"It's not fair! How come Jeqen and Lucas are part of the actual Malotas army, while we're here guarding this child!?"

"She's not a child! Haven't you heard?! She's the one who's been stealing from all of those people! The one Mr. Malotas has been looking for such a long time!"

The first guard was silent and then he said, "You're lying!"

"Am not!" The second guard argued. The first guard went silent again and then walked to Nera's cell door.

"Hey girl," He called as he rattled her cell's door.

Nera straightened her back and glared at him. "What?!"She snapped.

"You're the one who stole all those things aren't you? You know the one Sir Malotas has been looking for, the Golden-Eyed Devil. "

Nera narrowed her eyes even more and said, "I don't know, am I?"

The guard glared back at Nera and said, "You've got an attitude don't you?!"

"Do I?" Nera challenged.

The guard's glare intensified, but, finally, a small smirk appeared on his face. "I could torture you, you know. Hurt you!"

Nera rolled her eyes and, as she waved her hands, sarcastically, said, "Oh! I'm so scared!"

The guard opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by a young man's voice.

"Kiol and Laro, right?" Aditya asked, staring at a notebook and then at the guards. He was wearing a black sweatshirt, grey pants and dark boots.

The guard, who was talking to Nera, turned around and hesitantly said, "Ye-yes."

The second guard nodded, quickly.

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