Chapter 145: This Was Necessary

Start from the beginning

For those who stayed at home as they were unable to work and were despised by their daughters, as long as their characters were fine, she was prepared to let them do some chores in the workshop in the future.

Her grandfather had always told her not to despise old people.

After all, ageing was a journey that everyone would go through.

She had to respect the older generation, who had lived by their wisdom.

In the past, Shi Qingluo also received support from many old experts and farmers. In addition, she was mainly brought up by her grandparents, so she had always been more compassionate towards the elderly.

It was undeniable that some old people were disgusting, but she also agreed with the saying that "it isn't old people that became bad, but that bad people became old".

There were also orphans.

She would adopt some so long as it is within her capability.

But she couldn't take in orphans aggressively.

Those in power would not be concerned if she took in all the elderly people, but if she adopted all the orphans, they would be concerned if she were grooming them to rebel against their society.

In ancient times, she could not achieve everything she wanted to do in one goal.

She could only do it step by step.

She shared her thoughts with Xiao Hanzheng, who reached out and hugged her.

"Do what you wish to then.

"After we return to the village, I will discuss with our chief about letting the elderly people to guard the Taoist temple.

"We can also raise the village orphans in the Taoist temple. Just say that you want to accumulate blessings for the old immortal."

His little wife dealt with bad people harshly but still had a pure heart that touched him.

Shi Qingluo leaned into his arms. "Okay, I'll leave it to you."

She asked, "Do you want to find a study assistant?"

Her young husband had to take his next imperial examination soon.

It wouldn't be convenient for him if he didn't have one or two study assistants or servant boys.

Xiao Hanzheng nodded. "I'm going to look for a middleman to buy two servant boys.

"Let's also buy a few young women or married women for our house too."

Their family had been quite busy recently, and it was time for them to add more manpower.

With a slave contract, they would feel more assured while grooming them.

"Alright, you can settle this too."

Shi Qingluo knew that in ancient times, slavery was legal.

Although she did not feel good about it, their house was indeed short of manpower.

If the person they bought back did a good job and was loyal, they could release her contract and return her freedom in the future.

As for changing the current situation of human trafficking, she really didn't have the ability to do much yet.

Xiao Hanzheng knew that his wife wasn't interested in buying slaves. "Okay, I'll go and take a look."

The two of them watered their corn and chilli before returning home.

After dinner, Xiao Hanzheng went to the chief's house.

The chief's face was filled with relief and gratitude after hearing his words. "You and your wife are really good."

He also felt uncomfortable and sympathised with the elderly people's livelihood in the village.

He helped them as much as he could, but he did not have the capability to support their day-to-day needs.

Now that Xiao Hanzheng and his wife wanted to let these elders and orphans do some work and provide them with food, accommodation and wages, it was definitely a good deal not available elsewhere.

"Alright, I'll arrange it."

The chief took over the matter, "Those who don't live up to expectations and are lazy, we can't take pity on them."

Xiao Hanzheng visited the chief mainly to hint at this, "Alright, thank you, chief!"

The chief smiled lovingly, "I also want to thank you and your wife on behalf of the lonely elderly people in the village."

He asked, "When can they start working?"

Xiao Hanzheng said, "They can start tomorrow."

The chief nodded and said, "Then I will go and ask now."

"Alright, then I will have to trouble you to make this trip."

After Xiao Hanzheng returned home, the chief also went to a few of the elders' homes.

After discussing, he shortlisted six people.

Then, he went to their houses one at a time.

When these six elderly people heard about this, they were all very excited.

They did not expect to receive this great deal, so they naturally agreed without hesitation.

This news spread quickly in the village.

All of them couldn't help but praise Xiao Hanzheng and his wife for their righteousness.

People from other villages also envied Xiaxi villagers.

In addition, not only did Xiaxi village have saltpetre mines that the villagers could extract and sell, their cement workshop was also very popular.

Therefore, many families from other villages in Nanxi county wanted to marry their daughters to Xiaxi village.

If they couldn't marry into Xiaxi village, they would marry into its surrounding villages. Shi Qingluo still didn't know that as she led their village towards prosperity, many bachelors in their village were fetching a higher market value.

In some cases, a man was begged by many families to marry their daughters.

The next day, the chief brought these six elderly people to the Taoist temple.

Although they were dressed in mended clothes, their attire was clean and tidy.

Shi Qingluo knew that they were hard-working at a glance. The chief did his job well.

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