Malice Mizer and the Easter Egg Hunt

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It was the first Saturday of April, the next day would be Easter. Usually, people stop celebrating Easter when they’re out of childhood. Yu~ki wasn’t one of these people, however. He had the great idea after spending so many holidays with Kozi and Mana that he decided to surprise them for Easter.

His plan was simple. Ask them to come over to rehearse a little in the studio. Then, he would have them do a little Easter egg hunt. His plan was half-baked, but he didn’t care, as he got the idea a literal day before. Anything that he could think of was better than nothing. Later that night, Yu~ki abruptly called both Kozi and Mana, asking if they should rehearse later that following day. They agreed, but Kozi asked if Kami and Gakuto could come as well.

Yu~ki pondered about this for a second. If the rest of the band came along, he would have to pay for a lot more eggs and a lot more things to fill them. He wasn’t trying to be mean, but he thought about rejecting the offer. But he didn’t. He would have to wake up even earlier to get to the market and then to the studio to set everything up. He only chose Mana and Kozi because they were easy to shop for. Now actively thinking about it, Yu~ki just decided to fill the plastic eggs with 500 yen instead.

So Kozi invited Gakuto and Kami.

In the morning, Yu~ki put on his clothes and makeup and he was out the door and was off to the market at 8 am. Since it was Easter, families and couples strolled up and down the bricked streets of the market, buying gifts for each other. Even if it wasn’t a holiday, those streets had always been busy. Thankfully Yu~ki didn't dress too exaggeratedly that day. If he had, many people would be turning their heads and whispering. Which was a common occurrence, as he often dressed that way, and not just on stage. After being on stage for 4 years, he progressively got more comfortable with being looked at.

He entered a toy store to look for a couple bags of those cheap plastic eggs that kids use for egg hunts. The woman behind the counter welcomed him into the store. Yu~ki walked to the counter where the woman was standing.

“Is there something I could help you with?” The woman couldn’t have been any older than 25. Yu~ki looked at her name tag on her pure white t-shirt that said ‘Misako’. He then shot his eyes back up at her.

“Uh, yeah, actually. Do you guys sell those, y’know, plastic eggs for Easter? I need them for my..” He had to catch himself before finishing the sentence with ‘friends’, as he was clearly in his mid to late twenties. “I need them for my kid.” he said with a breath of relief.

The lady asked him to follow him to a display conveniently placed in the center of the store. Yu~ki grabbed 2 bags of plastic eggs and paid for them at the counter. After paying, he left and made his way in the direction of the studio they all practice at. On the way there, he was brainstorming places to hide the eggs. Behind the speakers, on the top of shelves- which may or may not benefit the ones wearing platforms- or anywhere else. They still didn’t know that this was even going to happen, as that was the surprise.

When he arrived, he put the 500 yen in the blue ones, 200 yen in the yellow ones, 100 in the pink ones, and 50 in the green ones. He put them in the before mentioned places and then some. When he had them all ‘hidden’, Yu~ki wrote a letter and left it on Gakuto’s stand, so they would all see it.

He wasn’t planning on leaving the building, actually, a couple months beforehand, he found a hiding place. This was literally just a cabinet in the wall no one really cared about or never even touched. Only Kozi knew about it, other than Yu~ki. He thought he would hide in that cabinet and leave it cracked and put some bags around it. In his head, it was the best idea he could think of. So when he set everything in place he climbed in, and pulled the miscellaneous bags in front of the door and pulled the door in, but intentionally left a crack so that he could spectate, or at least hear what was going on. He then just sat there for thirty minutes until someone finally arrived.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2023 ⏰

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