Chapter 15 - Tired

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3rd Person

"Oh my god, Mike." Joyce looked down at Mike, her eyes widening as she saw him sobbing.

"What happened?" She asked as she moved out of the way to let them both in.

"My dad kicked him out." Nancy sighed as she looked down at Mike.

They heard a door open and all looked over to the hallway and saw Will coming out of his room, and as he looked over and saw Mike sobbing, his eyes widended.

"Mike! What happened?" He frowned, walking over to his boyfriend.

"I-I got-" Mike tried to speak, but he just started bawling.

"Jesus, Mike.. Come here." Will sighed, wrapping his arm around Mike and bringing him over to his room.

"..Do you know about them both?" Nancy looked towards Joyce who was sat watching her son comfort Mike as they walked to his room.

"Yeah.." Joyce sighed, smiling slightly as she saw them walk into Will's room.

Will shut the door behind them both and sat Mike down on his bed, sitting down next to him and wrapping his arms around the sobbing boy.

"What happened?" Will frowned, looking down at Mike who had basically collapsed in his arms.

"My- My dad-" Mike tried to speak, but instead he just let out a loud sob.

"Hey, it's okay. You can wait to tell me later if you'd like?" He offered, and Mike nodded softly.

Will held Mike while he cried, gently rubbing his back and letting him cry it out. Mike sobbed for quite a while, only stopping because he couldn't cry anymore, his eyes just wouldn't produce tears anymore.

"You wanna talk about it now?" Will asked him, his thumb rubbing the back of Mike's hand.

Mike nodded softly, pulling away from the hug and sitting up so that he could see Will. He took a shakey breath in and began speaking, telling Will the events of earlier that day.

"A-After you left my dad was saying horrible things about you. He was saying that he didn't want you to 'infect me' with your 'disease'. And I-I got annoyed at him because I didn't want him to talk about you like that." Mike began explaining, and Will nodded softly, urging for Mike to carry on.

"When I defended you, he said that you had already turned me into a queer.. And I said he was right and I yelled at him." Mike told him.

"A-And he slapped me in the face and screamed at me to get out." He finished, and Will's eyes widened, his heart breaking at the sight of Mike trying to hold back his tears.

"I'm so sorry, Mike.." Will whispered, offering to give Mike a hug.

Mike practically launched himself into Will's arms, immediately breaking down into tears again as he wrapped his arms around his boyfriend.

"It's not fair.." Mike cried as he dug his face into Will's neck.

"I know, I know." Will whispered, his hand gently rubbing Mike's back.

"I don't wanna be like this!" Mike wailed, his voice breaking as he sobbed.

Will's heart shattered as he heard the hurt in Mike's voice as he spoke. Mike moved his hands to cover his face, not wanting anybody to see him like this.

"I know, Mike. It's difficult, it's really difficult. But I'm always here for you, yeah?" Will spoke softly, knowing it helped to calm Mike down.

"I'm tired, Will." Mike sobbed, and Will frowned slightly.

"You want to go to bed?" He offered, not realising what Mike actually meant.

"No, Will. I'm tired of everything!" He sobbed, his voice shaking.

"Oh." Will whispered, not entirely sure what to say to him.

"I can't do it anymore, I can't do it!" Mike wailed as he shook his head, his breathing be coming uneven.

"Hey, it's okay, Mike. It's okay, I've got you.. I've got you." Will tightened his arms around Mike, kissing the top of his head softly.

"I can't- I can't do it anymore.." Mike sobbed, his hands shaking as he wrapped them back around Will.

"It's okay, I've got you. I've got you." Will repeated, his voice gentle as he held Mike in his arms.

The door opened slightly and Nancy peeked her head in, her frown only growing bigger as she saw her brother sobbing in his boyfriend's arms.

"Mike?" Nancy spoke gently, causing him to look up.

"Jesus, Mike.." She sighed, walking over to him. She sat down next to him, a small smile forming on her face as she saw the two boy's connecting hands.

"Would you like to stay here tonight?" Nancy offered, and Mike nodded softly.

"That's fine. I'll talk to mum tonight, okay? I'm not letting you get kicked out." Nancy told him.

"No, no I don't want to go back home after tomorrow." Mike shook his head, the tears spilling out even faster.

"Mike.. You can't just stay here. You need to come home." Nancy sighed.

"I'm not going home. My own dad doesn't even love me! What's the point?" Mike sobbed.

"Mike. You need to ignore him." Nancy tried, but Mike wouldn't listen.

"No, no I'm not going." He refused, his hand tightening around Will's as he panicked.

"Mike. You need to calm down, okay? I'm gonna let you stay with Will for a bit and when you've calmed down come and talk to me. I'll be with Jonathan. I'm staying here as well tonight to keep an eye on you." Nancy told him, and he nodded shakily, the tears beginning to slow down slightly.

Nancy left the two and went back to Jonathan, very worried about her brother.

sorry mike.. my apologies

{Word Count: 948}

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