- * tired

40 2 0

My phone was held loosely in my hand as I boredly scrolled through our old text messages.

Claire had to leave the house this morning at 6:00am in order to attend a very important meeting. It was now 11:00pm and she still wasn't back yet.

She had been texting me a little bit throughout the day, telling me what she was doing and what she had to do next - it seemed like she had been on her feet all day.

As I allowed my mind do wonder about the flame-coloured haired woman, I heard the front door unlock, and the clicking of heels stepping on the floor.

I immediately got off the sofa to see her.

"Hey sweetheart, how was your day?" I asked her with a smile as she pulled me into a hug.

"I'm tired.." she replied, pulling back to take her high heels off. "Ugh, my feet are so sore," she said with a groan, making her way towards the living room, plopping herself down onto the sofa, taking care to rub her feet as she did so.

"How was it?" I asked again, sitting down next to her.

"Awful," she answered. "The meeting lasted for over 2 hours, it was the most boring thing I've ever had to sit through."

"What was the meeting about?" I questioned.

"Renovations for the park, like adding new enclosures for the dinosaurs and more rides for the guests."

"That seems fun," I said sarcastically.

"It wasn't," she replied, resting her head on my shoulder as I was a bit taller than her.

"What else did you do?"

"You mean what didn't I do."

I laughed at that and put my arm around her shoulder as she snuggled closer to me.

"I had two more meetings after that one," she continued. "And I've just been all around the park doing things that had to be done, I haven't had a break all day."

"Have you eaten?"

She shook her head.

"No?" I asked in a bit of shock. She shook her head again. "Oh honey, you must be starving!"

She nodded this time.

"Do you want me to make you your favourite dinner?" I asked.

"Yes please," she smiled tiredly.

I kissed her forehead before getting off the sofa, walking towards our kitchen to begin cooking her meal. It wouldn't take long so that was good.

As I was cooking, I heard shuffling behind me. I turned around to see Claire sitting down on one of the kitchen chairs.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"I just want to be with you."

I smiled at that, my heart swelling up as I brought her her food. I decided to sit down on the chair next to her as she ate.

"How about when you've finished eating, we get into our pyjamas, get all comfy and watch a film on the sofa?" I asked.

"I would like that a lot," she replied turning her head to look at me, a huge smile plastered on her face.

Once she done, we went upstairs to our bedroom and began getting dressed. She wore some adorable silk pyjamas that just made me want to melt into the floor.

She seemed a bit more awake now, eager to spend time with me.

I walked towards her and captured her lips gently, then wrapped my arms around her waist as we made the journey downstairs.

When we arrived in the living room, I picked up the blanket at the side of the sofa and waited for her to sit down before covering her with the fuzzy, fluffy material, then eventually getting under the blanket myself.

"What film do you want to watch?" I asked, looking down at her.

"Can we continue watching Oceans 8, we didn't finish it last time?"

"Of course, honey."

The film began playing from where we left off and Claire snuggled deeper into the blankets and closer to my side, wrapping her arms around my torso as I did the same with her, both of us wanting to feel each others warmth.

We chatted for a little while as the film was playing, but after 10 minutes of silence from her side, I looked down at her and to my amusement she was asleep, breathing peacefully.

I wasn't really surprised. It was past midnight now, and she was tired after today.

I giggled at her cuteness, and, not wanting to wake her after she had such a long day, I turned the tv off and reached for more cushions to put around us, so she would be more comfortable as she slept.

I kissed the top of her head gently, before burying my face into her hair.

"Goodnight sweetheart."

A/n: Here's the second one shot guys! Sorry for leaving it so long, but i hope you enjoy! Also please leave requests for more one shots.

(Just remember, these one-shots are Claire Dearing x female reader only)


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2023 ⏰

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