It's Only a Game

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Author's Note: Hello friends! Just want to put a little disclaimer here This is only a story. It is not meant to depict the actual Yuzuru Hanyu.  The real YH is a precious angel and the bestest of best boys in the world.  The YH in this story is a person who is struggling... and will grow in the future.

Also, sorry for going missing.  I went to my happy place.  Hopefully another chapter will follow later this week. 

Alright. Thanks! Hope you enjoy. <3

Chapter Nine

In the whirlwind of the past few weeks, Hana found herself in a state of perpetual disbelief.

Never in her wildest dreams had she envisioned she would be lucky enough to see the world's best figure skater perform. Likewise, finding her soulmate was a fairy tale notion she had shelved in the realm of impossibility. Yet, here she was, in the surreal realization that not only had both of those things occurred, but that the figure skater and her soulmate were one and the same.

Now, perched in an empty apartment in Toronto, Canada, the absurdity of it all still hadn't sunk in.

Her mind drifted back to that morning in Sendai, where the blueprint of her future had been drawn by her soulmate, his sister, and her far-from-amused best friend.


Naomi barely acknowledged Yuzuru and Saya as she stormed in their apartment door.

Beelining towards Hana, she enveloped her in a tight embrace, Hana still rooted to the couch.

"You have no idea how worried I was. I've been all over the city looking for you."

"I'm sorry," Hana responded, face smooshed into her friend's shoulder.

"I searched for you everywhere.  I went to the police station, the hospital, and even that weird anime store you got that cosplay nurse costume from," Naomi started, the last location causing Hana's eyes to widen and a fierce blush to come to her cheeks.  

The last thing Hana needed was for her soulmate to immediately find out about the depths of her otaku status.  She was sure he already thought her odd.

"Then, I got into a fight with some dick security guard at Ice Rink Sendai," Naomi continued.  "I was thinking the worst, Hana. Thank god Saya answered your phone," Naomi admitted, her voice uncharacteristically laden with emotion. 

Naomi wasn't known for wearing her heart on her sleeve. While she was blunt and even abrasive at times, sentimental outbursts were a rarity. 

"When Saya told me you were found on the street," Naomi's voice faltered, choking on her words, preventing her from completing her sentence.  She diverted, "I'm so glad you are okay."

As Naomi prattled on, reciting events from her quest from last night with more drama than Hana suspected actually occurred, Hana felt overwhelmed with emotion herself. Whether it was Naomi's presence, the situation in general, or the fact that she had not had contact with her soulmate in at least twenty minutes, she was starting to feel a little whoozie.

"Then Saya answered your phone and..." Naomi's words were muddled.

Hana felt Yuzuru's hand slip into hers, causing an instantaneous sigh of relief to audibly part her lips.

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